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She is taking off her scarf / She is taking her scarf off changing the position of objects in phrasal verbs Phrasal Verbs can often be split when they use an object. For example we can say: 'I'm going to take off my scarf.' 'I'm going to take my scarf off'. | Vị trí của cụm động từ She is taking off her scarf She is taking her scarf off changing the position of objects in phrasal verbs Phrasal Verbs can often be split when they use an object. For example we can say I m going to take off my scarf. I m going to take my scarf off. My scarf is the object in the above sentences. Both sentences have the same meaning. Another example is Can you pick up that magazine Can you pick that magazine up how to use pronouns with phrasal verbs When we use a pronoun in this case it as the object my scarf we can only use one form GOOD I m going to take it off. BAD I m going to take off it. Let s take a look at another example GOOD Throw them away. BAD Throw away them. Now read through the sentences below and decide if they are GOOD or BAD English Did you wake her up GOOD BAD Put on the table it. GOOD BAD Turn off it. GOOD BAD Let s ask them out for a meal. BAD c GOOD Write down your name. BAD c GOOD Put away them. GOOD BAD Take it .

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