Applied Wetlands Science and Technology - Chapter 9

Wetlands for Water Treatment - Đất ngập nước được coi là bộ lọc sinh học, cung cấp bảo vệ cho nước nguồn tài nguyên như suối, hồ, cửa sông, và nước ngầm. Mặc dù tự nhiên vùng đất ngập nước xảy ra đã luôn luôn được phục vụ như nghiên cứu, bộ đệm sinh thái và phát triển công nghệ xử lý vùng đất ngập nước là một hiện tượng tương đối gần đây. các nghiên cứu về tính khả thi của việc sử dụng các vùng đất ngập nước xử lý nước thải đã được bắt đầu trong đầu những năm 1950 ở. | DeBusk Thomas A. et al Wetlands for Water Treatment Applied Wetlands Science and Technology Editor Donald M. Kent Boca Raton CRC Press LLC 2001 CHAPTER 9 Wetlands for Water Treatment Thomas A. DeBusk and William F. DeBusk CONTENTS General Features of Wetlands that Contribute to Contaminant Removal Types of Treatment Wetlands Free Water Surface Wetlands Subsurface Flow Wetlands Hybrid Treatment Wetlands Treatment Wetland Components Treatment Wetland Vegetation Hydroperiod and Hydraulics Treatment Wetland Soils Treatment Wetland Contaminant Removal Processes Physical Removal Processes Biological Removal Processes Chemical Removal Processes Planning and Design Treatment Wetlands as a Unit Process Regulatory Issues Preliminary Feasibility and Alternatives Analyses Design Considerations Construction and Management Construction Management Performance Suspended Solids and Organic Carbon Removal Removal of Organic Carbon and Suspended Solids from Waste Stabilization Pond Effluents 2001 CRC Press LLC Nitrogen Removal Nitrogen Removal from Food Processing Wastewaters Phosphorus Removal Removal of Trace Metals Toxic Organic Compounds and Complex Mixtures of Contaminants Wetland Treatment of Urban Runoff Wetland Treatment of Landfill Leachates Pathogen Removal Conclusions References Wetlands are widely regarded as biological filters providing protection for water resources such as streams lakes estuaries and groundwater. Although naturally occurring wetlands have always served as ecological buffers research and development of wetland treatment technology is a relatively recent phenomenon. Studies of the feasibility of using wetlands for wastewater treatment were initiated during the early 1950s in Germany. In the United States wastewater to wetlands research began in the late 1960s and increased dramatically in scope during the 1970s. As a result the use of wetlands for water and wastewater treatment has gained considerable popularity worldwide. Currently an estimated 1000 .

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