Applied Wetlands Science and Technology - Chapter 10

Design and Management of Wetlands for Wildlife - Động vật hoang dã quản lý đã được quan tâm chủ yếu với chính quyền và quy định của loài chim nước và thu hoạch furbearer trước những năm 1930. Đó là về điều này thời gian mà các nhà quản lý động vật hoang dã, cũng như công chúng, được công nhận các nguồn tài nguyên động vật hoang dã không phải là vô hạn. Leopold kết tinh quan điểm này đang nổi lên trong cuốn sách của mình trò chơi Quản lý (1933) đã sinh ra quản lý khoa học của các quần thể động. | Kent Donald M. Design and Management of Wetlands for Wildlife Applied Wetlands Science and Technology Editor Donald M. Kent Boca Raton CRC Press LLC 2001 CHAPTER 10 Design and Management of Wetlands for Wildlife Donald M. Kent CONTENTS Design Size Relationship to Other Wetlands Disturbance Design Guidelines Management Management Approaches Management Techniques Vegetation Management Burning Grazing Herbicide Application Mechanical Management Blasting Bulldozing Draglining and Dredging Crushing Cutting Disking Propagation Water-Level Manipulation Artificial Nesting and Loafing Sites Fisheries References 2001 CRC Press LLC Wildlife management had been concerned primarily with the administration and regulation of waterfowl and furbearer harvests prior to the 1930s. It was about this time that wildlife managers as well as the public recognized that wildlife resources were not limitless. Leopold crystallized this emerging perspective in his book Game Management 1933 that gave birth to the scientific management of wildlife populations and wildlife habitats. Wetlands are especially critical habitats for wildlife and exceed all other land types in wildlife productivity Vaught and Bowmaster 1983 Cowardin and Goforth 1985 Payne 1992 . Wildlife species use wetlands on either a permanent or transitory basis for breeding food and shelter Pandit and Fotedar 1982 Rakstad and Probst 1985 . In the United States wetlands provide critical habitat for 80 of 276 threatened and endangered species. Approximately 64 percent of the wildlife in the Great Lakes region of the United States inhabit or are attracted to wetlands including 62 percent of the birds 69 percent of the mammals and 71 percent of the amphibians and reptiles Rakstad and Probst 1985 . From 67 to 90 percent of commercial fish and shellfish species are either directly or indirectly dependent upon wetlands Peters et al. 1979 Vaught and Bowmaster 1983 Radtke 1985 . Wetlands are also the principal habitat for furbearers and .

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