Applied Wetlands Science and Technology - Chapter 13

MANAGING GLOBAL WETLANDS - Trong lịch sử, một số lượng đáng kể các nỗ lực quản lý đất ngập nước đã được tập trung trên các vùng đất ngập nước cá nhân. Thông thường, các vùng đất ngập nước cá nhân được bao phủ và quy định bởi một đơn vị có thẩm quyền duy nhất, chẳng hạn như là một thị xã, thành phố. Với sự ra đời của đầu nguồn quản lý, trọng tâm đã mở rộng bao gồm xem xét đồng thời nhiều vùng đất ngập nước. Đầu nguồn quản lý thường đòi hỏi sự hợp tác và phối hợp. | Kent Donald M. Managing Global Wetlands Applied Wetlands Science and Technology Editor Donald M. Kent Boca Raton CRC Press LLC 2001 CHAPTER 13 MANAGING GLOBAL WETLANDS Annette M. Paulin and Donald M. Kent CONTENTS The Ramsar Convention Membership Wetland Definition and Classification Management Additional Support Case Studies Florida Everglades Functions and Values Threats and Impacts Conservation Effort The Mekong Delta Functions and Values Threats and Impacts Conservation Efforts The Pantanal Functions and Values Threats and Impacts Conservation Efforts The Wadden Sea Functions and Values Threats and Values Conservation Efforts References 2001 CRC Press LLC Historically a significant amount of wetland management effort has been focused on individual wetlands. Commonly individual wetlands are encompassed and regulated by a single authoritative unit such as a town or city. With the advent of watershed management the focus has broadened to include simultaneous consideration of multiple wetlands. Watershed management typically requires cooperation and coordination among several authoritative units such as municipalities counties and states. Managing wetlands that cross international boundaries or wetlands within a single country but that are of international importance poses additional challenges. Managing wetlands that cross international boundaries requires cooperation and coordination among countries. This may be accomplished informally by communication between respective government environmental agencies or formally by establishment of joint proclamations or management plans. Understanding that an individual country s best interests are served by ensuring protection of shared wetland resources is fundamental to effective management. In some instances wetland function and value even those contained with a single country may be of global importance. For example a wetland may function as flood storage for downstream transboundary communities. Continued wetland .

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