Wetland Education - Tại Hoa Kỳ, nhận thức công cộng của các vùng đất ngập nước như vùng đất hoang đang dần phát triển thành công nhận các vùng đất ngập nước như sản xuất, các nguồn tài nguyên có giá trị thiên nhiên (Tiner, 1998). Pháp luật và các quy định được thông qua trong ba thập kỷ qua đang bắt đầu để hạn chế phá hủy các vùng đất ngập nước khuyến khích thông qua Quốc hội Swamp Hành vi đất (Kusler và Opheim, 1996). Đất ngập nước giáo dục đang dần phát triển trong phản ứng để thay đổi thái độ | Ripple Karen L. Wetland Education Applied Wetlands Science and Technology Editor Donald M. Kent Boca Raton CRC Press LLC 2001 CHAPTER 14 Wetland Education Karen L. Ripple CONTENTS School System Requirements Science Curriculum Science Content Standards Multidisciplinary Units Student Action Projects Service Learning Credits Wetland Program Features Important to Educators Lesson Plan Format Instructional Objectives Multiple Intelligences Hands-On Learning Cooperative Learning Performance-Based Instruction Evaluating Wetland Programs and Activities Wetland Educational Programs for Grades K-12 National Education Programs WOW The Wonders of Wetlands Project WILD Aquatic Education Activity Guide Children s Groundwater Festival Discover Wetlands A World in Our Backyard A Wetlands Education and Stewardship Program Wading into Wetlands Student Wetlands Action Projects Schoolyard Habitats Program 2001 CRC Press LLC Wicked Big Puddles A Guide to the Study and Certification of Vernal Pools Handbook for Wetlands Conservation and Sustainability WILD School Sites and Taking Action POW The Planning of Wetlands Grant Funding Membership Organizations Wetland Education for Professionals Certification University Continuing Education Independent Professional Training Environmental Concern Inc Wetland Training Institute Richard Chinn Environmental Training Institute for Wetland and Environmental Education and Research Membership Organizations References In the United States public perception of wetlands as wastelands is slowly evolving into recognition of wetlands as productive valuable natural resources Tiner 1998 . Laws and regulations passed in the last three decades are beginning to curb wetland destruction previously encouraged through Congressional Swamp Land Acts Kusler and Opheim 1996 . Wetland education is slowly evolving in response to changing attitudes. During the 1960s college level ecology courses included wetland studies. Wetland education materials for students in grades