Coastal Lagoons - Chapter 1

Introduction -Đầm phá là những thành phần có giá trị nhất của khu vực ven biển trong điều khoản của cả hai hệ sinh thái và vốn tự nhiên. Khu vực xung quanh đầm phá cung cấp cơ hội tuyệt vời cho ngành nông nghiệp và du lịch trên một mặt và cho thủy sản và ngành thủy sản, mặt khác. Quản lý sử dụng bền vững là một ý thức xã hội quyết định cung cấp cho sức khỏe lâu dài của cả hai sinh thái kinh tế và hệ thống đầm phá và các khu vực xung quanh. Tuy nhiên, khái niệm về quản. | Introduction I. Ethem Gõnenẹ and John P Wolflin CONTENTS Background Issues and Approach Purpose of the Book Overview of Topics The Future BACKGROUND ISSUES AND APPROACH Lagoons are the most valuable components of coastal areas in terms of both the ecosystem and natural capital. Surrounding areas of lagoons provide excellent opportunities for agriculture and tourism sectors on the one hand and for fishery and aquatic products sectors on the other hand. Sustainable use management is a conscious social decision that provides for the long-term health of both the ecological and economic systems of a lagoon and surrounding areas. However the concept of sustainable management of lagoons is often either not clearly understood or not applied. The NATO Committee on the Challenges of Modern Society CCMS study was initiated in 1995 to define and promote sustainable use management in lagoons. The focus was on integrating management decisions with current modeling methodologies. This book Coastal Lagoons Ecosystem Processes and Modeling for Sustainable Use and Development is a product of this NATO-CCMS study. Coastal lagoons are shallow aquatic ecosystems that develop at the interface between coastal terrestrial and marine ecosystems. They are driven to a major extent by the high density of noncommercial auxiliary energy and mass exchanged with the surrounding ecosystems. The rate of structural and functional change of hydro-geomorphological units and biological communities is particularly dependent on the exchanges of auxiliary energy and mass. Although lagoons are intricately connected to surrounding environments they develop mechanisms for structural and functional regulation which result in specific biological productivity and carrying capacities. Continental and marine environments influence coastal lagoons by definition of location. Historically coastal regions have been areas prone to human habitation. The resulting rural and urban landscapes reflect .

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