Monitoring Program Design - Giám sát là việc áp dụng các phương pháp khoa học cơ bản của quan sát môi trường. Như một công cụ hiện đại của quản lý nước, giám sát một cách sâu sắc bắt nguồn từ trong khoa học. Đây là phương pháp đánh giá xác định toàn diện về trạng thái hiện tại của điều kiện môi trường. Các biện pháp giám sát được mô tả hơn là dự đoán, tuy nhiên, dữ liệu giám sát được sử dụng cho các mục đích khác nhau, bao gồm cả kịch bản dự báo / mô hình | -7 Monitoring Program Design Eugeniusz Andrulewicz and Boris Chubarenko CONTENTS Introduction Definition of Environmental Monitoring Objectives of Environmental Monitoring Some Examples of Current Monitoring Programs Issues Specific to Monitoring of Lagoons Monitoring System Design Monitoring for Meteorological and Hydrodynamic Parameters Monitoring for Physical Parameters Monitoring for Chemical Parameters Monitoring for Biological Parameters Monitoring of Impact of Different Uses of Lagoons Monitoring-Related Programs Monitoring Guidelines and Quality Assurance Program Data Formats and Data Banking Relationship between Monitoring and Modeling Perspective Monitoring to Modeling Perspective Modeling to Monitoring Short-Term Data Collection for Model Implementation Model-Accompanied Current Data Supply Practical Recommendations for the Design of Short-Term Data Collection Assessment of Monitoring Results and Forms of Presentation Final Remarks and Conclusions References INTRODUCTION Monitoring is the application of fundamental scientific methods of observation of the environment. As a modern tool of water management monitoring is deeply rooted in science. It is the assessment method of comprehensive determination of the current state of environmental conditions. Monitoring measures are for description rather than prediction however monitoring data are used for various purposes including prediction scenarios modeling. 2005 by CRC Press In contrast modeling is a relatively new method rooted in engineering especially its modification as computer modeling which aims to simulate the behavior and response of water conditions to external and internal impacts. Monitoring is very useful for making an environmental assessment while modeling is applied for an impact assessment. Modeling predicts trends and effects of future actions see Chapter 6 for .