Coastal Planning and Management - Chapter 2

Coastal management issues - Con người chỉ nhận ra những giới hạn hữu hạn của vùng ven biển như là một nơi để sống, làm việc, và chơi như là một nguồn tài nguyên có giá trị. Điều này thực hiện đã đi cùng với overdevelopment, tình trạng quá tải ở một số khu vực, và phá hủy các nguồn tài nguyên có giá trị bằng cách sử dụng sai của ông về môi trường độc đáo này. (Ketchum, 1972, trang 10) Chương này cung cấp một cái nhìn tổng quan về các vấn đề quản lý ven biển. | Chapter 2 Coastal management issues Man has only recently come to realize the finite limitations of the coastal zone as a place to live work and play and as a source of valuable resources. This realization has come along with overcrowding overdevelopment in some areas and destruction of valuable resources by his mis-use of this unique environment. Ketchum 1972 p. 10 This chapter provides an overview of the major coastal management issues problems and opportunities in coastal management. Consistent with the general focus of this book particular emphasis is placed on describing and analysing management tools and planning techniques to assist in dealing with the issues. The chapter does not attempt to analyse and describe every issue at length. For a more detailed treatment of coastal issues refer to texts specifically devoted to this subject. The most recent and comprehensive is the 694-page text of Clark 1996 which lists the many complex and interrelated problems that face coastal managers and updates his earlier work Clark 1977 . Ketchum 1972 Ditton et al. 1978 and Beukenkamp et al. 1993 also provide useful treatments of the issues. In addition there are numerous conference and workshop proceedings which contain specific examples of coastal problems from around the world Appendix B . Further information on the range and depth of coastal issues can be obtained through reference to the sources of the many case studies listed throughout the book. Coastal management initiatives are usually a response to a demand to resolve problems such as conflicting uses of coastal resources urbanization access pollution and environmental degradation. Problems may also be related to poor liaison or inefficient coordination between those responsible for making decisions on the allocation of coastal resources or they may even be a perception among decision makers that a problem does not exist. A sound understanding of such issues is integral to planning an effective approach to coastal

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