Coastal Planning and Management - Chapter 6

Conclusions and future directions - Trong cuốn sách này, chúng tôi đã nỗ lực để cung cấp một nền tảng mới cho quy hoạch ven biển và quản lý bởi lý thuyết pha trộn với các ví dụ thực hành tốt nhất từ khắp nơi trên thế giới. Phương pháp này đã nói với chúng tôi về tình trạng hiện tại của quy hoạch và quản lý ven biển và những con trỏ đã ban cho chúng ta hướng dẫn có thể cho tương lai? Chủ đề chính của cuốn sách đã được bờ biển, với cường độ của nó. | Chapter 6 Conclusions and future directions In this book we have endeavoured to provide a fresh foundation for coastal planning and management by mixing theory with examples of best-practice from around the world. What has this approach told us about the current status of coastal planning and management and what pointers has it given us to possible directions for the future The main theme of the book has been that the coast with its intensity of land and water use is a place where the issues of economic development and environmental management and their interactions with social and cultural values are brought into sharp relief. If there are problems with any of these issues in any area of a coastal nation the symptoms are likely to show up at the coast first. Several other themes and principles emerge from the book. They are necessarily broad in scope given the enormity of the issues and challenges facing coastal managers but we summarize them in order to stimulate further discussion and research. THE CENTRAL ROLE OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT PRINCIPLES AND APPROACHES Coastal programmes are now generally based on principles of sustainable development the precautionary principle and inter-generational equity. The challenge for coastal planners and managers is to transfer sustainable development principles into tangible management outcomes. We hope that the tools and techniques described in this book go some way towards meeting this challenge. THE INSEPARABLE NATURE OF COASTAL PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT Coastal planning and management activities are generally so strongly linked that in successful coastal programmes they are almost Copyright 1999 Taylor Francis Group indistinguishable. The interweaving of planning and management to create a single coastal programme can help to break down institutional boundaries or possible professional rivalries between planners and managers and is to be encouraged. THE INCREASING EMPHASIS ON CONSENSUAL STYLES OF COASTAL PLANNING AND .

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