Concrete Formwork Svstems - Part 1

Concrete Formwork: An Introduction Một chất lượng kết cấu bê tông cốt thép cung cấp nhiều lợi thế hơn các cấu trúc được thực hiện với các vật liệu xây dựng khác. Bê tông là một vật liệu bền làm giảm chi phí bảo trì và cung cấp một cuộc sống phục vụ lâu hơn. Một cấu trúc bê tông sẽ làm giảm việc sử dụng năng lượng bởi vì khối lượng của nó và sức đề kháng cao để trao đổi nhiệt. Việc sử dụng bê tông sẽ giảm chi phí bảo hiểm do sức đề kháng cao của. | 1 Concrete Formwork An Introduction Concrete Construction Concrete Formwork Formwork Economy and Significance An Integrated Concrete Formwork Life Cycle Formwork Materials Copyright Marcel Dekker Inc. All rights reserved. CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION A quality reinforced concrete structure offers many advantages over structures made with other building materials. Concrete is a durable material that reduces building maintenance costs and provides a longer service life. A concrete structure will reduce energy usage because of its mass and high resistance to thermal interchange. The use of concrete will lower insurance costs by virtue of its high resistance to fire. Buildings made of concrete are also more secure against theft and vandalism. Concrete floors and walls reduce the transfer of noise yielding a quieter environment and happier occupants. Reinforced concrete possesses considerable strength for resisting seismic and wind loads. These factors and others make the selection of reinforced concrete an economical alternative. CONCRETE FORMWORK The construction of a concrete building requires formwork to support the slabs horizontal formwork as well as columns and walls vertical formwork . The terms concrete formwork and concrete form carry the same meaning and are used interchangeably in this book. Formwork is defined as a temporary structure whose purpose is to provide support and containment for fresh concrete until it can support itself. It molds the concrete to the desired shape and size and controls its position and alignment. Concrete forms are engineered structures that are required to support loads such as fresh concrete construction materials equipment workers var- Copyright Marcel Dekker Inc. All rights reserved. ious impacts and sometimes wind. The forms must support all the applied loads without collapse or excessive deflection. Formwork System A formwork system is defined as the total system of support for freshly placed .

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