Giáo trình động từ tiếng Pháp - Part III Taking a Look Back: The Past Tenses - Chapter 12

Comprehending the Passé Composé and the Pluperfect Tenses - Trong Chương này Soạn lỗi thời với avoir Hình thành Soạn lỗi thời với être Biết làm thế nào để nói không trong sáng tác lạc hậu của đại quá khứ nlike thì không hoàn hảo, trong đó mô tả những gì đã xảy ra (xem Chương 11), sáng tác lạc hậu kể lại sự kiện đã xảy ra và tại một thời điểm cụ thể trong quá khứ. Bạn sử dụng sáng tác lạc hậu để thể hiện một hành động hoàn chỉnh trong quá khứ. Ví dụ, với căng thẳng. | Chapter 12 Comprehending the Passé Compose and the Pluperfect Tenses Jn This Chapter Making the passé compose with avoir Forming the passé compose with être Knowing how to say no in the passé compose Making the pluperfect nlike the imperfect tense which describes what was happening see Chapter 11 the passé composé recounts events that have already taken place and at a specific time in the past. You use the passé composé to express a completed action in the past. For example with this tense you can recount what you have done and accomplished where you ve been and the people you ve met yesterday last week last month or even years ago. Meanwhile the pluperfect tense is closely related because it s also a compound past tense just like the passé composé. However it describes events that have taken place even before the passé composé. The meaning of the pluperfect in English is had. For example Nous avions déjà mangé quand papa est rentré means We had already eaten when dad came home. Had eaten is in the pluperfect and came is in the passé composé because one action happened before the other action. This chapter shows you how to form the passé composé and pluperfect tenses and provides plenty of opportunities for you to practice them. Forming the Passé Compose The passé compose as the name indicates is a compound tense made up of an auxiliary verb and a past participle. The French language has only two auxiliaries avoir to have and être to be . To form the passé composé you first conjugate the auxiliaries in the present tense and then add the past participle. Sounds simple enough right To make it even easier remember that most verbs take the auxiliary avoir. However certain verbs especially those that express motion such as aller to go partir to leave and venir to come take être. I start with verbs that take avoir as their auxiliary. 134 Part III Taking a Look Back The Past Tense avoir to have j ai nous avons tu as vous avez il .

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