Giáo trình động từ tiếng Pháp - Part III Taking a Look Back: The Past Tenses - Chapter 13

Contrasting the Imperfect with the Passé Composé - Trong Chương này Biết được sự khác nhau giữa không hoàn hảo và sáng tác lạc hậu Lựa chọn khi sử dụng thì mỗi Khi bạn kể lại sự kiện quá khứ, bạn thường mô tả các trường hợp trong đó các sự kiện đã diễn ra cũng như những gì đã xảy ra bằng cách sử dụng các hành động cụ thể. Chương này hướng dẫn bạn trong việc phân biệt giữa hai thì không hoàn hảo và sáng tác lạc hậu. (Để biết thêm về việc hình thành không hoàn hảo. | Chapter 13 Contrasting the Imperfect with the Passé Compose Jn This Chapter Knowing the differences between the imperfect and the passé compose Choosing when to use each tense Jtyhen you recount past events you often describe the circumstances in which the events took place as well as tell what happened using specific actions. This chapter guides you in distinguishing between the two tenses the imperfect and the passé composé. For more on forming the imperfect and the passé composé see Chapters 11 and 12. Identifying the Main Differences between the Two Tenses The choice between the passé composé and the imperfect depends on the context of what you re saying. At times the choice between these two tenses is subjective and depends on the way you view the events. So when do you use the imperfect versus the passé composé You use the imperfect to provide background information such as descriptions of scenery weather physical appearance and mental state. You also use it to describe events that have occurred an unspecified number of times as well as ongoing and habitual actions. The translation of the imperfect in English is used to do something would do something or was doing something. On the other hand you use the passé composé for completed actions in the past actions that occurred at a specific moment in time and a specific number of times and changes or interruptions of a state or actions. Table 13-1 serves as a guide and provides example sentences for each use. Table 13-1 Differences between the Imperfect and Passé Composé When to Use Imperfect Example When to Use Passé Compose Example Habitual or continuous action Je lisais. I was reading. Change or interruption in the action Je lisais quand tu es entré. I was reading when you entered. continued 154 Part III Taking a Look Back The Past Tense Table 13-1 continued When to Use Imperfect Example When to Use Passé Compose Example Physical description and mental state Elle .

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