Tài liệu về động từ tiếng Pháp - Part IV Looking Ahead: The Future and the Conditional Tenses - Chapter 17

Could-ing and Would-ing with the Present Conditional Tense - Trong Chương này Tạo ra thì có điều kiện Đang cố gắng có điều kiện ou có thể sử dụng hiện nay có điều kiện thì tất cả các thời gian, cho dù bạn có nhận ra hay không. Có lẽ bạn và bạn bè của bạn ngồi xung quanh và nói chuyện về việc không những gì bạn (căng thẳng hiện nay), đã làm (thì quá khứ), hoặc sẽ làm (thì tương lai), nhưng về những gì bạn sẽ làm gì (có điều kiện thì). Ví dụ bằng tiếng Anh bao. | Chapter 17 Could-ing and Would-ing with the Present Conditional Tense Jn This Chapter Creating the conditional tense Trying the conditional ou likely use the present conditional tense all the time whether you realize it or not. Perhaps you and your friends sit around and talk about not what you do present tense did do past tense or will do future tense but about what you would do conditional tense . Examples in English include sentences like I would go out with him We would go to the movies if anything good were playing You would tell her what you think and They would throw a great party. So the conditional is a mood that expresses a possibility a supposition or a wish. You also use it to make polite requests or suggestions as in Would you allow me to accompany you or I would choose the yellow dress. The conditional has two tenses present and past. This chapter concentrates on the present conditional see Chapter 18 for more on the past conditional. As you can tell from the examples the conditional tense is translated as would in English. But don t confuse the conditional tense with the imperfect tense that I talk about in Chapter 11. The imperfect can express the would of the past as in When I was young I would go fishing with my grandfather meaning that I used to go fishing with my grandfather. At first you may be able to get by without the present conditional in French. But this tense makes you more polite makes your writing more interesting and spices up your conversation. Read through this chapter and master the ability to tell the world what you would do. Forming the Conditional The conditional tense allows you to express your opinions likes and dislikes more politely and to make suggestions without seeming too imposing. You may even call it the diplomatic tense. Furthermore you use the conditional tense in hypothetical sentences as in If it were not raining we would go to the beach. You form the conditional by taking the infinitive of most verbs the .

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