Tài liệu động từ tiếng Pháp - Part IV Looking Ahead: The Future and the Conditional Tenses - Chapter 18

Trying the Past Conditional Tense: Could Have and Would Have - Trong Chương này Hình thành thì quá khứ có điều kiện Sử dụng các điều kiện quá khứ ou sử dụng thì quá khứ có điều kiện trong tất cả những tình huống khi bạn chỉ có thể đá chính mình bởi vì bạn cần phải có này hoặc đã làm điều đó. Ví dụ, bạn có thể nói tôi cần phải có khóa cửa khi một tên trộm xe hơi âm thanh stereo của bạn hoặc tôi không nên có khóa cửa khi bạn khóa phím của bạn bên. | Chapter 18 Trying the Past Conditional Tense Could Have and Would Have Jn This Chapter Forming the past conditional tense Using the past conditional ou use the past conditional tense in all those situations when you could just kick yourself because you should have said this or should have done that. For example you may say I should have locked the door when a thief takes your car stereo or I should not have locked the door when you lock your keys inside your car. You may tell your friend you should have gone out with him or you may say she shouldn t have said that if you re trying to make someone feel better. In all those instances you re using the past conditional tense. The past conditional often expresses a missed opportunity in the past an uncertainty or a regret. For example Elle aurait voulu voyager mais elle n avait pas assez d argent means She would have liked to travel but she didn t have enough money. In English the past conditional is translated as would have done something. Furthermore in English it s used to express what would have or would not have occurred if something had happened or had not happened. In this chapter I show you how to form the past conditional tense and then how to use it. I offer plenty of exercises so that you can practice these concepts. Creating the Past Conditional You form the past conditional by putting the auxiliaries avoir to have and être to be in the conditional tense and adding the past participle of the verbs. Check out the following tables that conjugate the auxiliaries in the conditional form. avoir to have j aurais nous aurions tu aurais vous auriez il elle on aurait ils elles auraient être to be je serais nous serions tu serais vous seriez il elle on serait ils elles seraient 202 Part IV Looking Ahead The Future and the Conditional Tenses The verbs étudier to study and partir to leave serve as examples of the two types of auxiliaries avoir and être. Étudier takes the auxiliary avoir and partir takes être. The past .

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