Giáo trình động từ tiếng Pháp - Part V Considering Your Mood: Subjunctive or Not - Chapter 19

Considering Your Mood: Subjunctive or Not - Trong phần này. . . tâm trạng của một động từ chỉ các nhà văn hoặc điểm nhìn về các sự kiện của loa. Chỉ mang tính - bao gồm cả, hiện tại tương lai quá khứ và, thể hiện sự kiện cũng như quan sát khách quan. Nó thể hiện những gì đang xảy ra, đã xảy ra, hoặc sẽ xảy ra. Trong khi đó, tâm trạng thuộc về tiếp tục pháp thể hiện những gì bạn muốn xảy ra, lệnh để xảy ra, hoặc nghi ngờ sẽ xảy ra. Chương 19. | Part V Considering Your Mood Subjunctive or Not Uoney can you look in the phrase book and tell me hovĩ scrambled is pronounced in French In this part. he mood of a verb indicates the writer or speaker s point of view regarding the events. The indicative including the present past and future expresses facts as well as objective observations. It expresses what is happening has happened or will happen. Meanwhile the subjunctive mood expresses what you want to happen command to happen or doubt will happen. Chapter 19 looks at conjugating the present subjunctive Chapter 20 focuses on using the present subjunctive and Chapter 21 shows you how to conjugate and use the past subjunctive. Chapter 19 Creating the Present Subjunctive Jn This Chapter Working with regular verbs Forming the subjunctive with irregular verbs Taking a stab with stem changers Trying out true irregular verbs nlike the indicative mood which expresses an objective reality the subjunctive mood expresses the speaker s or writer s subjective points of view emotions fears and doubts. To use the subjunctive you place it in the subordinate clause introduced by que that when a verb or verbal expression in the main clause expresses emotion will wish command doubt or subjectivity. When the verb in the main clause expresses a fact or an objective observation then you use the indicative instead of the subjunctive. This chapter looks at how you conjugate good ol regular verbs verbs that are irregular in other tenses but regular in the subjunctive stem-changing verbs and true irregular verbs. After you know how to form the present subjunctive you can check out Chapter 20 which shows you how to use the present subjunctive. Because French doesn t have a future subjunctive the present subjunctive expresses the future as well as the present and can be translated in English in the tense that makes the most sense. Forming the Present Subjunctive with Regular Verbs The subjunctive isn t a difficult tense to form. All you .

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