Giáo trình động từ tiếng Pháp - Part V Considering Your Mood: Subjunctive or Not - Chapter 20

Knowing How to Use the Present Subjunctive - Trong Chương này Bày tỏ mong muốn và sở thích Hiển thị bản án, cảm xúc hay nghi ngờ và là chủ quan Thêm thành ngữ hội thoại của bạn n Chương 19, tôi cho bạn thấy làm thế nào để hình thành thuộc về tiếp tục pháp hiện. Trong chương này, tôi cho bạn thấy làm thế nào để sử dụng nó. Thuộc về tiếp tục pháp được sử dụng thường xuyên hơn trong tiếng Pháp hơn tiếng Anh. Trong thực tế, tiếng Anh vẫn giữ được rất ít căng thẳng thuộc. | Chapter 20 Knowing How to Use the Present Subjunctive Jn This Chapter Expressing wishes and preferences Showing emotion or judgment Doubting and being subjective Adding idiomatic expressions to your conversation f n Chapter 19 I show you how to form the present subjunctive. In this chapter I show you how to use it. The subjunctive is used much more often in French than in English. In fact English has retained very little of its subjunctive tense. You can find it in such sentences as They ask that she drive carefully or I request that you be on time. But enough about English. You already know how to speak it right You use the present subjunctive in the subordinate clause when three key criteria are present in a sentence. If you re missing any of these elements then don t use the subjunctive. The three criteria are Two clauses linked by que that . Two different subjects for each of the two clauses. If the subject of both clauses is the same then you use the infinitive. A verb verbal expression or impersonal expression in the main clause that s in the indicative and expresses doubt subjectivity emotion volition or command. If any of these elements is missing then you need to use either the infinitive or the indicative instead of the subjunctive. Except for some idiomatic expressions you never use the subjunctive by itself. In other words you can t start a sentence in the subjunctive. Because no future subjunctive exists you use the present subjunctive to express an action in the subordinate clause that takes place after an action in the main clause. Also the present subjunctive is used when the verb in the subordinate clause is simultaneous to meaning it happens at the same time as the verb in the main clause. You may be asking yourself how you know whether a certain verb or verbal expression in the main clause requires the subjunctive in the subordinate clause. This chapter .

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