Giáo trình động từ tiếng Pháp - Part VI The Part of Tens - Chapter 22

Trong phần này. . . một phần là tương tự như một trong mỗi khác Đối với Dummies cuốn sách. Ở đây tôi bao gồm một số thông tin trong Tóm lại điều đó không nhất thiết phải phù hợp với bất cứ nơi nào khác trong cuốn sách này. Trong phần này, bao gồm hai chương với thông tin thú vị mà bạn có thể nhanh chóng hấp thụ. Chương 22 mười động từ được sử dụng cách Pháp. Chương 23 nhìn vào mười động từ mà thường thường xuyên hỗn hợp giữa Pháp và tiếng Anh | Part VI The Part of Tens The 5th Wave By Rich Tennant Haýbe next time yov U learn your negative verbs tn Trench beiore having a suit made in Paris. In this part. his part is similar to one in every other For Dummies book. Here I include some great information in a nutshell that doesn t necessarily fit anywhere else in this book. In this part I include two chapters with fun information that you can quickly absorb. Chapter 22 looks at ten verbs that are used the French way. Chapter 23 looks at ten verbs that are often frequently mixed-up between French and English. Chapter 22 Ten Verbs Used the French Way Jn This Chapter Distinguishing transitive from intransitive verbs Making sense of the prepositions 1. . f you ve ever tried to translate something from one language to another you probably didn t translate literally or word for word. If you did translate literally you probably noticed something that didn t quite jive in the translation. That s because every language has a way of saying things that s unique to that language and therefore different in other languages. French is no different. In this chapter I help you avoid pitfalls regarding ten verbs that are used transitively in English but intransitively in French and vice versa. This means that some verbs are followed by a direct object in one language but not in the other and some verbs take a preposition in one language but not in the other. Transitive verbs are followed by a direct object whereas intransitive verbs aren t. Chapter 1 gives you the complete lowdown on the differences between transitive and intransitive verbs. This chapter looks more closely at ten common verbs that you may use in everyday conversation. Please know that this list isn t exhaustive I only list ten of the most common. I start first with verbs that are transitive in French but intransitive in English and then move to the intransitive French verbs and transitive English verbs . Attendre To Wait For The first French transitive verb .

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