PROJECT REVIEW - Ngoài ra các tài liệu được xuất bản, nhóm nghiên cứu đã xem xét tài liệu cho tất cả ADB và Ngân hàng Thế giới vận tải và các dự án năng lượng đã được phê duyệt năm 2000, xóa đói giảm nghèo được xác định là một mục tiêu chiến lược tiểu học hay trung học. Việc xác định xóa đói giảm nghèo là một mục tiêu chiến lược trở lại đầu những năm 1990, vì vậy tất cả các dự án xem xét lại đã được phê duyệt sau khi thời gian đó. Do. | Chapter 3 PROJECT REVIEW In addition to the published literature the study team reviewed documentation for all ADB and World Bank transport and energy projects approved by 2000 that identified poverty reduction as a primary or secondary strategic objective. The identification of poverty reduction as a strategic objective goes back only to the early 1990s so all the projects reviewed were approved after that time. Consequently most of them are still being implemented. Although some projects contained provisions for poverty impact monitoring further reports from these projects were not available at the time of this review. None of the projects reviewed has yet been the subject of a post project evaluation report assessing its success in meeting poverty reduction objectives. Asian Development Bank Projects From 1993 to 2000 30 ADB projects on transport and energy 26 for transport and 4 for energy indicated poverty reduction as their primary or secondary objective. This includes transport and energy sector projects and projects in other sectors rural and urban development with separately identified infrastructure components. These projects were being implemented in Bangladesh Bhutan Cambodia PRC India Indonesia Kyrgyz Republic Lao People s Democratic Republic Lao PDR Nepal Pakistan Philippines Thailand and Viet Nam. Most 25 of these projects including all energy projects had poverty reduction as their secondary objective and economic growth as their primary objective. However five transport projects three of which were approved in FY2000 had poverty reduction as their primary objective. These projects were Indonesia s Community Empowerment for Rural Development Project Kyrgyz Republic s Community Based Infrastructure Services Sector Project Lao PDR s Rural Access Roads Project Nepal s Rural Infrastructure Development Project and Pakistan s Dera Ghazi Khan Rural Development Project. These projects were designed to contribute to poverty reduction either by targeting a .