Assessing the Impact of Transport and Energy Infrastructure on Poverty Reduction - Chapter 4

RESEARCH DESIGN - Mục tiêu của các tài liệu nghiên cứu và dự án được mô tả trong chương trước là để xác định các giả thuyết chúng có chứa về tác động nghèo, tiềm ẩn hoặc rõ ràng, và để đánh giá các bằng chứng để hỗ trợ hay bác bỏ những giả thuyết này. Nhóm nghiên cứu xây dựng giả thuyết trong các can thiệp vận tải, năng lượng (biến độc lập), kết quả xóa đói giảm nghèo (biến phụ thuộc), các yếu tố ngoại sinh (biến theo ngữ cảnh), và các yếu tố nội sinh (các. | Chapter 4 RESEARCH DESIGN The objective of the literature and project review described in the preceding chapters was to identify the hypotheses they contain about poverty impacts implicit or explicit and to evaluate the evidence produced to support or disprove these hypotheses. The study group formulated hypotheses in transport or energy interventions independent variables poverty reduction outcomes dependent variables exogenous factors contextual variables and endogenous factors situational variables likely to affect these outcomes. The purpose of this exercise was to establish a propositional inventory with associated research findings to identify key gaps in current knowledge. Based on this information the study group developed the broad outlines of a proposed research program and identified suitable sites for the field research. Domestic research institutions DRIs in the selected countries were then invited to make specific proposals for research that would be policy relevant in their countries and would contribute to filling some of the gaps in current knowledge. Definition of Variables The definition of key variables varied widely among the studies and projects reviewed Figure . Independent Variables In most cases the independent variable is the transport or energy project. This usually means an infrastructure improvement but it may also consist of or include sector policy interventions institutional capacity building and or service improvements. For rural transport poverty impact studies have almost exclusively concerned rural roads. They have distinguished between the construction of new roads providing basic access raising road standards reducing transport costs and investment in road maintenance averting future costs . Some studies have looked at changes in transport services and or in the means of transport used by the poor. The transport sector policy issues of concern in the context of rural roads have been the public expendi ture priority given to

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