Assessing the Impact of Transport and Energy Infrastructure on Poverty Reduction - Chapter 9

POLICY AND OPERATIONAL IMPLICATIONS - Điều này hỗ trợ kỹ thuật khu vực (RETA) đưa ra một số khuyến nghị chính sách ở nhiều cấp độ. Đầu tiên, mỗi nhóm nước phát triển khuyến nghị chính sách cho cuộc thảo luận trong một hội thảo quốc gia với các nhà hoạch định chính sách quan trọng và các bên liên quan. Tại một hội thảo tổ chức tại Vadodara, Ấn Độ, vào tháng 7 năm 2003, với ADB và JBIC Viện nhân viên và Điều phối viên nghiên cứu tham dự, các nhóm nghiên cứu ba chia sẻ các. | Chapter 9 POLICY AND OPERATIONAL IMPLICATIONS Policy Recommendations This regional technical assistance RETA makes a number of policy recommendations at several levels. First each country team developed policy recommendations for discussion in a national seminar with key policymakers and stakeholders. At a workshop held in Vadodara India in July 2003 with ADB and JBIC Institute staff and the Study Coordinator in attendance the three study teams shared the findings and conclusions from their field work. Workshop participants explored the following potential policy implications eliminate electricity connection fees for the poor improve village roads together with major and secondary roads employ more poor people in labor-intensive road construction ensuring that such employment is sustainable reduce regulatory barriers to a minimum consistent with safety eliminate all monopolies even public ones give priority to service improvements rather than new infrastructure investments especially in urban areas and improve both the quantity and quality of services provided to the poor. These recommendations apply to projects and programs designed by development partners as well as to the work of national policymakers. The workshop participants felt that subsidized service delivery could serve as a disincentive for individual initiative and community responsibility. It is difficult to ensure that even targeted subsidies actually benefit the poor. To promote sustainability it is essential to get local ownership for projects. Workshop participants felt that project designers should pay more attention to women s issues in particular to their safety concerns. They also recommended that projects should seek to maximize the use of local labor in poor areas. Members of all three country teams felt strongly that investment in transport and energy infrastructure should continue until national networks ensure that all people have access to quality services. If investment stops before the

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