Poverty Impact Analysis: Approaches and Methods - Chapter 0

Vào đầu thế kỷ này, nghèo đói vẫn còn là một vấn đề toàn cầu của tỷ lệ rất lớn. Trong số 6,0 tỷ người của thế giới, 2,8 tỷ người sống dưới 2 USD một ngày và 1,2 tỷ ít hơn $ 1 một ngày (Ngân hàng Thế giới 2000). Ước tính nghèo đói mới nhất cho thấy một sự cải tiến, nhưng thách thức để tiếp tục xóa đói giảm nghèo vẫn còn khó khăn. Trong khu vực châu Á và Thái Bình Dương, ví dụ, khoảng 1,9 tỷ người vẫn sống ít hơn $ 2 một ngày,. | INTRODUCTION Poverty Impact Analysis Approaches and Methods Introduction Background At the start of this century poverty remains a global problem of huge proportions. Of the world s billion people billion live on less than 2 a day and billion on less than 1 a day World Bank 2000 . The latest poverty estimates show an improvement but the challenge to further reduce poverty remains daunting. In the Asia and Pacific region for instance about billion people still live on less than 2 a day and over 620 million survive on less than even 1 a day. This condition is unacceptable and therefore fighting poverty is the most urgent challenge ADB 2006b . The good news is that most of the Asian Development Bank s ADB s developing member countries DMCs are on track to achieve the Millennium Development Goal MDG No. 1 Halving poverty by 2015 ADB 2005a . This however means that the poverty rate for the DMCs in 2015 would still be around 17 percent as the starting point of their poverty rate in 1990 was about 34 percent. In order to reduce poverty and achieve maximum benefit for the poor there must be global actions by international communities to complement similar actions by countries and local communities. Fortunately concerns over poverty reduction are evident among various stakeholders at all levels. At the global level this is reflected by worldwide acceptance of the human development paradigm in which people are at the center of development bringing about development of the people by the people and for the This position is further strengthened by national and international commitments of countries to achieve the 1 The United Nations Development Program UNDP launched the Human Development Report in 1990 with the single goal of putting people back at the center of the development process in terms of economic debate policy and advocacy. The goal was both massive and simple with far-ranging implications going beyond income to assess the level of .

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