Poverty Impact Analysis: Approaches and Methods - Chapter 4

Poverty Predictor Modeling in the People’s Republic of China: A Validation Survey - Dựa trên dự đoán nghèo được xác định trong Tam Quế, Pingping, và Heng (2005) và được liệt kê tại Phụ lục , một bảng câu hỏi ngắn được phát triển và được sử dụng trong một cuộc khảo sát thí điểm để xác định có hoặc không phải là người nghèo ở một vị trí cụ thể có thể được xác định mà không tiến hành khảo sát thu nhập và chi. Nếu công cụ này có thể được sử dụng để xác định người. | CHAPTER 4 Poverty Predictor Modeling in the People s Republic of China A Validation Survey Pingping Wang Introduction Based on poverty predictors identified in Sangui Pingping and Heng 2005 and listed in Appendix a short questionnaire was developed and used in a pilot survey to determine whether or not the poor in a particular location could be identified without conducting an income and expenditure survey. If the tool could be used to identify the poor it would be useful for evaluating the impact of a poverty reduction project on a target area. To be able to validate the results of the survey the questionnaire included questions on the respondents income and expenditures. A comparison was also carried out on the accuracy of the assessment of households poverty status based on results of different assessors. Data and Methods Sample Size and Data Gathering The pilot survey1 was conducted in five counties in the province of Yunnan in the People s Republic of China PRC . The coverage area was along the Asian Development Bank-financed Kunming-Dali expressway. A total of 1 000 households spread over 50 villages were interviewed. In each county there were 10 villages and 200 households selected. In each village 20 households were selected of which 10 households were from the sample coverage of the China Rural Poverty Monitoring Survey CRPMS while the rest were newly selected samples. A total of 45 villages with 450 households were taken from the CRPMS while 5 villages and 550 households were non-CRPMS. Field supervisors had made several trips to check and ensure that the enumerators followed the guidelines of the survey manual directly assess the 1 The questionnaire used in the pilot survey can be downloaded at http . org Statistics . Application of Tools to Identify the Poor 118 Poverty Predictor Modeling in the People s Republic of China A Validation Survey poverty status of the households according to the poverty predictors observe the reaction

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