Poverty Impact Analysis: Approaches and Methods - Chapter 7

Applications of the CGE Modeling Framework for Poverty Impact Analysis - Giới thiệu mới nhất và đang diễn ra vòng đàm phán thương mại thuộc Tổ chức Thương mại Thế giới (WTO) đã trở thành thường được gọi là Chương trình nghị sự Phát triển Doha (DDA). Nó đã được đặt ra trong Tuyên bố Bộ trưởng Doha của WTO trong tháng 11 năm 2001. Trước đó, vòng đàm phán thương mại diễn ra dưới sự bảo trợ của Hiệp định chung về Thuế quan và Thương mại (GATT), nhưng kể từ 1 tháng 1, 1995, WTO đã được. | PART TWO Applications of the CGE Modeling Framework for Poverty Impact Analysis CHAPTER 7 Computable General Equilibrium Model Can the Poor in Indonesia Benefit from Trade Liberalization Guntur Sugiyarto and Douglas H. Brooks Introduction The latest and ongoing round of trade negotiations under the World Trade Organization WTO has become commonly referred to as the Doha Development Agenda DDA . It was set out in the WTO s Doha Ministerial Declaration in November 2001. Earlier trade negotiation rounds took place under the auspices of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade GATT but since IJanuary 1995 the WTO has been mandated to discuss international trade issues including multilateral negotiations to create an open trade environment Table . The WTO advocates global free trade to raise standards of living and promote greater employment with a large and steadily growing volume of real income and effective Table Trade Negotiation Rounds Year Pace Name Main Subjects Countries 1947 Geneva Tariffs 23 1949 Annecy Tariffs 13 1951 Torquay Tariffs 38 1956 Geneva Tariffs 26 1960-1961 Dillon Round Tariffs 26 1964-1967 Kennedy Round Tariffs and antidumping measures 62 1973-1979 Tokyo Round Tariffs nontariff measures framework agreement 102 1986-1994 Uruguay Round Tariffs nontariff measures rules services intellectual property dispute settlement textiles agriculture creation of WTO etc. 123 2001-present Doha Development Agenda Agriculture and services 148 Source Authors summary. The Doha round of WTO negotiations was scheduled to be completed by the end of 2004. When it started in November 2001 members gave 1 WTO is an international trade organization complementing the Bretton Woods institutions of the International Monetary Fund IMF and World Bank that were started just after World War II. The 23 founding members of the GATT have expanded into the current 151 members of the .

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