Nhập văn bản hoặc địa chỉ trang web hoặc dịch tài liệu. Hủy Bản dịch từ Tiếng Anh sang Tiếng Việt Nghèo phát hiện chính là tước một số hàng hóa và dịch vụ thiết yếu. Nó là một khái niệm đa chiều, bao gồm không chỉ thu nhập mà còn quan trọng không kém các khía cạnh khác không có thu nhập, kể từ khi hai hộ gia đình có thu nhập đầu người mỗi cùng có thể có mức độ phúc lợi khác nhau vì sự khác biệt của họ trong những khía cạnh không thu nhập. Mục tiêu bao trùm. | Findings and Conclusions Main Findings Poverty refers to deprivation of certain essential goods and services. It is a multidimensional concept covering not only income but also other equally important non-income aspects since two households having the same per capita income might have different welfare levels because of their differences in the non-income aspects. The overarching goal of the Asian Development Bank ADB is poverty reduction. Given the current poverty situation in Asia and the Pacific the challenge ahead is daunting. The latest indicators for instance show that developing member countries DMCs of the ADB seem to be moving toward achieving MDG No. 1 of halving poverty by 2015. This however means that the poverty incidence rate would still be around 17 percent in 2015 as the starting point of the rate in 1990 was about 34 percent. Fortunately serious concern over poverty reduction among various stakeholders outside ADB is also evident. This is reflected among other ways in the Millennium Development Goals MDGs and in the increasing number of pro-poor programs by various institutions. In this context poverty impact analysis PIA in addition to other impact assessments is very important in ensuring that programs reach the right beneficiaries. This book deals with impact assessment issues particularly on developing tools and providing examples of their applications. The main contributions of the book are in the areas of identifying the poor mapping poverty and performing impact analysis using CGE modeling frameworks. Poverty Impact Analysis PIA aims at bringing about better allocation of resources-a goal that has become increasingly important for developing countries where resources are scarce. PIA essentially examines a project or program to see whether it has generated its intended effects on the targeted group. Findings from a PIA provide critical feedback for officers and policy makers to help them better design and implement ongoing as well as future .