Handling Machining Assembly Organisation Pneumatics Electronics Mechanics Sensorics phần 3

Các cửa hàng đệm là một bổ sung hữu ích cho một hệ thống dòng nguyên liệu như một phương tiện của các máy trạm hoặc máy tách. Đối với công suất tăng lên, một số tạp chí có thể được cài đặt song song, như trong ví dụ trên. Mức điền phải được theo dõi bởi các cảm biến (không được hiển thị). Các tạp chí được kích hoạt bởi các ổ đĩa khí nén như nhiều vị trí trụ hay khí nén bảng chỉ mục quay. . | 10 Intermediate buffering Multi-row intermediate buffer store a Slide magazine b Rotary magazine 1 Zig-zag rail 2 Workpiece 3 Feed slide 4 Feed channel 5 Munnting kit 6 Multi-position cylinder 7 Drum magazine 8 Blocking device 9 Feed device 10 Rotary indexing table fitted with magazine Buffer stores are a useful addition to a material flow system as a means of decoupling workstations or machines. For increased capacity several magazines can be installed in parallel as in the example above. Filling levels must be monitored by sensors not shown . Magazines are activated by pneumatic drives such as multi-position cylinders or pneumatic rotary indexing tables. At each stage of their zig-zag passage through the magazine shown in Fig. a the workpieces are re-aligned allowing an empty magazine to be re-filled without workpieces overlapping. In the solution shown in Fig. b 4 magazines for example for cylinder components are arranged on the periphery of the drum. Suitable components Standard cylinder DNC. Multi-position kit DPVU. Compact cylinder ADVU. Proximity switch SM. Pneumatic single pilot valve. One-way flow control valve GR. Rod eye SGS. Rotary indexing table Mounting accessories Fittings 24 99 Examples of pneumatic applications 11 Intermediate buffering Transfer line section with buffer unit 1 Magazine 2 Workpiece carrier 3 Stand 4 Stopper cylinder 5 Lifting plate 6 Conveyor belt 7 Pneumatic cylinder Modern production line stations are generally linked together loosely since this allows a higher output to be achieved than in the case of fixed links. The reason for this is that in the case of a malfunction in one station the other stations are able to keep working at least for a certain time. In order to achieve this malfunction buffers must be installed between the stations. Under normal conditions the workpiece carriers go straight through. If however the downstream station is malfunctioning the workpiece carriers are lifted off the transfer line and buffered. .

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