Handling Machining Assembly Organisation Pneumatics Electronics Mechanics Sensorics phần 6

Hút vắt tay có nhiệm vụ loại bỏ một cách có hiệu quả càng tốt, không khí đầy chất độc hại (khí khói, hơi, bụi hoặc phun sơn) từ điểm mà tại đó các chất này được phát hành. Ví dụ cho thấy hàn hơi của bụi cây. Trong máy trạm, lắp ráp phôi được nâng lên từ các dây chuyền và biến tốc độ làm việc thông qua 360 °. | 46 Forwarding a b Forwarding device for bar workpieces a Lifting rack system b Indexing chain system 1 Workpiece 2 Fixed rack 3 Lifting rack 4 Short stroke cylinder 5 Tapered locking p ip 6 Special chain link for workpiece carrier 7 Movable detent 8 Adjusting screw stop 9 Direction of motion of workpieces Whether as a magazine function or not the indexed feed of workpieces is frequently required in assembly testing machining and other production operations. The lifting rack system shown in is very simple. A short stroke cylinder is more than adequate as a drive. When the workpieces are lifted they roll in the conveyor direction and each move up one position. It is also very simple to obtain an indexed motion with chains Fig. b . The drive used in this case is a pneumatic cylinder. The chain is held in position during the return stroke of the detent while the tapered locking pin maintains a precise workpiece position. The workpieces are located in trough-like carriers which can be made from commercially-available chain links. Suitable components Compact cylinder ADVUL. Proximity switch SM. Pneumatic single pilot valve. One-way flow control valve GR. Mounting accessories Fittings 60 99 Examples of pneumatic applications 47 Glueing 8 9 Functional sequence Adhesive applicator device 1 Stand 2 Workpiece assembly prior to adhesive application 3 Workpiece carrier 4 Stopper cylinder 5 Rotaty unit 6 Lifting cylinder 7 Pneumatic cylinder 8 Adhesive reservoir 9 Dosing pump 10 Adhesive feed line 11 Applicator nozzle 12 Twin-belt transfer system Glueing processes are becoming more and more widespread in industry thanks to the development of high-performance application-specific adhesives. The illustration shows how adhesive is applied to a prepared joint. For this purpose the workpiece assembly is lifted out of the workpiece carrier and rotated. The adhesive nozzle is brought to the workpiece assembly by a pneumatic cylinder. The workpiece carriers are normally also .

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