Advanced Gas Turbine Cycles phần 5

Nghiên cứu của các chu kỳ nhiệt động lực học với GateCycle Chương này mô tả cách tiếp cận chu kỳ intercooled với GateCycle. Thứ nhất, ngắn đặc trưng của GateCycle trình bày, tiếp theo là các giả định để tính toán trong chương trình, Các đồ thị không có cực đại địa phương. Nhiệt hiệu quả đang gia tăng ngày càng tăng T π, và giảm | Analytical study of the thermodynamic cycle 34 nT -----n 0 -----n 0 1 -----n 0 2 -----n 0 3 -----n 0 4 -----n 0 5 -----n 0 6 -----n 0 7 -----n 0 8 -----n 0 9 -----n 1 Figure 19 Thermal efficiency nT n 0 kcc kic npt npc -----n 0 -----n 0 1 -----n 0 2 -----n 0 3 -----n 0 4 -----n 0 5 -----n 06 -----n 07 -----n 08 -----n 09 -----n 1 nT Figure 20 Thermal efficiency nT n 0 kcc kic npt npc nT Figure 21 Thermal efficiency nT n 0 kcc kic npt npc -----n 0 -----n 0 1 ------n 0 2 ------n 0 3 ------n 0 4 ------n 0 5 ------n 0 6 ------n 0 7 ------n 0 8 ------n 0 9 ------n 1 4. Study of the thermodynamic cycle with GateCycle This chapter describes the approach to the intercooled cycle with GateCycle. Firstly short characteristic of GateCycle is presented followed by the assumptions for the calculation in the program description of the models used and in the end results and analysis. Short characteristic of GateCycle and CycleLink GateCycle is advertised to be the most flexible power-plant simulation software in the world. It predicts design and off-design performance of combined cycle plants fossil boiler plants cogeneration systems combined heat-and-power plants advanced gas turbine cycles and many other energy systems. GateCycle software is a powerful tool for both the gas and steam sides of power plant design and analysis. It has been under development since 1981 by GE Enter Software which is fully owned by General Electric Power Systems. Used by over 500 users worldwide it is one of the most widely applied software for power plant design. Its component-by-component approach and advanced macro capabilities enable modelling of virtually any type of system. GateCycle contains many features which make it a powerful and flexible tool for modelling heat and power cycles with arbitrary complexity. A gas turbine can be selected from the library of gas turbines or built component-by-component and as a .

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