Advanced Gas Turbine Cycles phần 8

LMS100 ™ hệ thống sẽ có sẵn trong một Stig (phun hơi nước để tăng thêm sức mạnh) cấu hình cung cấp các cải tiến hiệu quả đáng kể và tăng thêm sức mạnh. Sung. 11 và 12 cho thấy sản lượng điện ở máy phát điện | New High Efficiency Simple Cycle Gas Turbine - GE s LMS100 Contents Gas Turbine Intercooler System Package Reliability and Simple Combined Heat and Combined Core Full Load New High Efficiency Simple Cycle Gas Turbine - GE s LMS100 Abstract GE has introduced the first modern production gas turbine in the power generation industry to employ off-engine intercooling technology with the use of an external heat exchanger the LMS100 . This gas turbine provides the highest simple cycle efficiency in the Industry today and comes on the heels of GE s introduction of the highest combined cycle gas turbine system the MS9001H. The LMS100 system combines frame and aeroderivative gas turbine technology for gas fired power generation. This marriage provides customers with cyclic capability without maintenance impact high simple cycle efficiency fast starts high availability and reliability at low installed cost. The unique feature of this system is the use of intercooling within the compression section of the gas turbine leveraging technology that has been used extensively in the gas and air compressor industry. Application of this technology to gas turbines has been evaluated by GE and others extensively over many years although it has never been commercialized for large power generation applications. In the past five years GE has successfully used the SPRINT patented spray intercooling evaporative cooling technology between the low and high pressure compressors of the LM6000 gas turbine the most popular aeroderivative gas turbine in the 40 to 50MW range. GE s development of high pressure ratio aircraft gas turbines like the GE90 has provided the needed technology to take intercooling to production. The LMS100 gas turbine intercooling technology provides outputs above 100MW reaching simple cycle .

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