Chế bởi Phòng thí nghiệm Sản phẩm lâm nghiệp, Lâm nghiệp, Sở Nông nghiệp và ANC 23-Panel Xây dựng Sandwich máy bay, Tiểu ban Không quân, Hải quân-dân sự Tiêu chuẩn thiết kế máy bay, máy bay Ủy ban, Ban Munitions | L I L L L L L I L L L Ũ L L I L L L Tests ref. 2-45 indicate there is a small increase in conductivity with increase in temperature difference but for temperature conditions normally encountered the variation in conductivity is not significant. . Ignition temperature. Limited data are available concerning minimum temperatures re-quừed to produce charring or ignition of wood. Results obtained by different investigators for ignition temperatures show wide discrepancies. The different values reported may be due to the specific test conditions associated with the methods employed and also to the different interpretations among investigators as to what constitutes ignition temperature ref. 2-4 . Assuming conditions favorable to the completion of the ignition process the ignition temperature has been defined ref. 2-4 as the temperature in the combustible at which the rate of heat developed by the reactions inducing ignition just exceeds the rate at which heat is dissipated by all causes under the given conditions. It is thus obvious that unlike flammable liquids which have reasonably definite ignition temperatures the ignition temperature of wood even if a standard interpretation of the phenomenon were determined upon would vary widely depending upon the size density moisture content and type distribution and quantity of extractives present in the specimen under test and upon the time and rate of heating the amount of air available and the rate of aừ flow. The importance of the time factor has been emphasized by the Forest Products Laboratory ref. 2-49 but no specific tests have been made relating ignition temperatures to long exposures at the lower ranges of elevated temperature. The Underwriters Laboratories ref. 2-80 have cited an example of ignition occurring after long-continued exposure about 15 yrs. to a temperature of approximately 190 F. . Electrical properties. The resistance that wood offers to the passage of dừect current depends primarily upon the