kích thích vẫy dừng lại cho phần còn lại của chạy. Do thua lỗ kéo dài của gói kích thích mong muốn, robot đang được kích thích và một biểu hiện của nỗi buồn lại xuất hiện trên khuôn mặt của robot. Hình 8,6 minh họa ảnh hưởng của các ổ đĩa mệt mỏi vào trạng thái động lực và hành vi của robot khi tương tác với người chăm sóc. Theo thời gian, tăng mệt mỏi lái xe về phía cuối dưới kích thích của. | 150 Chapter 9 the robot. In addition Kismet vocalizes excitedly which is perceived as an initiation. The FSM transitions to the second state 2 upon the completion of this gesture. In this state the robot sits back and waits for a bit with an expectant expression ears slightly perked eyes slightly widened and brows raised . If the person has not already approached the robot it is likely to occur during this anticipation phase. If the person does not approach within the allotted time period the FSM transitions to the third state 3 where face relaxes the robot maintains a neutral posture and gaze fixation is released. At this point the robot is able to shift gaze. As long as this FSM is active determined by the behavior system the calling cycle repeats. It can be interrupted at any state transition by the activation of another FSM such as the greeting FSM when the person has approached . Chapter 10 presents a table and summary of FAPs that have been implemented on Kismet. Playful Interactions with Kismet The behavior system implements the four classes of proto-social responses. The robot displays affective responses by changing emotive facial expressions in response to stimulus quality and internal state. These expressions relate to goal achievement emotive reactions and reflections of the robot s state of well-being. The exploratory responses include visual search for desired stimuli orientation and maintenance of mutual regard. Kismet has a variety of protective responses that serve to distance the robot from offending stimuli. Finally the robot has a variety of regulatory responses that bias the caregiver to provide the appropriate level and kinds of interactions at the appropriate times. These are communicated to the caregiver through carefully timed social displays as well as affective facial expressions. The organization of the behavior system addresses the issues of relevancy coherency persistence flexibility and opportunism. The proto-social responses .