Tuyển tập các báo cáo nghiên cứu về lâm nghiệp được đăng trên tạp chí lâm nghiệp quốc tế, đề tài: "Aboveground litter production and bioelement potential return in an evergreen oak (Quercus rotundifolia) woodland near Salamanca (Spain). | 811 Ann Sci For 1996 53 811-818 Elsevier INRA Short note Aboveground litter production and bioelement potential return in an evergreen oak Quercus rotundifolia woodland near Salamanca Spain A Martin1 JF Gallardo2 I Santa Regina2 1 Area de Edafologi a Universidad de Salamanca Salamanca 37080 2 IRNA CSIC Apdo 257 Salamanca 37071 Spain Received 6 February 1995 accepted 20 June 1995 Summary - Total aboveground production of trees has been determined in a Quercus rotundifolia evergreen oak woodland developed over a chromic Luvisol. The woodland is located close to the city of Salamanca central-western Spain . Litter fall occurs throughout the year with a maximum from April to June owing to leaf fall. Mean litter production is Mg ha 1 year1 although variations from year to year are observed mostly due to water stress in summer. The mean area of influence of litter fall of each tree is about 4 m outside the crown shadow and the leaf percentage 55 over the total aboveground litter production shows that the system is mature. Tree inflorescences are found to have the highest concentration in bioelements although the latter are mostly returned through the leaves with the exception of K . biogeochemical cycles litter fall evergreen oak I Quercus rotundifolia Lam potential return of bioelements Resume - Production de litière et restitution au sol de bioéléments dans une chênaie Quercus rotundifolia près de Salamanque Espagne . On a determine la production de litière dans une chênaie à Quercus rotundifolia développée sur un Luvisol chromique dans les environs de Salaman-que ouest de I Espagne . La chute de litière s etaie sur toute I annee avec un maximum dans la période avril-juin principale époque de retombée des feuilles. La production moyenne de lltière est de Mg ha 1 am1 avec des variations interannuelles dues au stress hydrique pendant 1 été. Dans cette chênaie Claire dehesa arrivée à maturlté influence de I arbre s etendjusqu a une distance de 4 m à partir de la .