Tuyển tập các báo cáo nghiên cứu về lâm nghiệp được đăng trên tạp chí lâm nghiệp quốc tế đề tài: "Importance de différents paramètres climatiques sur la croissance et la formation du bois de pin rouge (Pinus resinosa Ait) en Ontario (Canada). | Ann Sci For 1997 54 51-63 Elsevier INRA 51 Article original Importance de differents paramètres climatiques sur la croissance et la formation du bois de pin rouge Pinus resinosa Ait en Ontario Canada GR Larocque Ressources naturelies Canada Service canadien desforets centre de foresterie des Laurentides 1055 rue du PEPS case postale 3800 Sainte-Foy PQ GI V 4C7 Canada Reẹu le 21 mars 1995 accepté le 2 avril 1996 Summary - Importance of different climatic parameters on growth and wood formation of red pine Pinus resinosa Ait in Ontario Canada . This study examines whether different monthly climatic parameters based on temperature and precipitation significantly influences radial growth and wood relative density of red pine Pinus resinosa Ait . Cores were sampled on trees originating from a plantation established at X m in Chalk River Ontario and were scanned on a X-ray densitometer. The following were measured on each ring width and relative density relative densities of earlywood and latewood zones minimal and maximal relative densities and latewood proportion. Significant relationships were derived for every dependent variable. Except for latewood relative density and maximum relative density the independent variables that were significant consisted of previous and cunent year climatic variables based on mean temperatures total precipitations degree-days number of days with precipitations and maximum number of continuous days without precipitation. These results indicate that wood formation of red pine is influenced by temperature as well as by the quantity and timing of precipitation. ring width radial growth relative density temperature precipitation Resume - On examine dans cette étude si differents paramètres cl imatiques mensuels fondes sur les temperatures et les precipitations exercent une influence significative sur la croissance radiale et la densité relative du bois de pin rouge Pinus resinosa Ait . Les arbres étudiés proviennent d un peuplement .