Tuyển tập các báo cáo nghiên cứu về lâm nghiệp được đăng trên tạp chí lâm nghiệp quốc tế đề tài: "Aboveground biomass in a beech forest and a Scots pine plantation in the Sierra de la Demanda area of northern Spain. | Ann Sci For 1997 54 261 -269 Elsevier INRA 261 Original article Aboveground biomass in a beech forest and a Scots pine plantation in the Sierra de la Demanda area of northern Spain I Santa Regina1 T Tarazona2 R Calvo3 1IRNA-CSIC 2JCL 3INIA Cordel de Merinas 40 Apdo 257 37071 Salamanca Spain Received 6 November 1995 accepted 29 April 1996 Summary - The aboveground biomass of a mature beech forest Fagus sylvatica L and of a Scots pine Pinus sylvestris L was estimated by cutting and weighing seven trees from each site according to their diameter classes recording the categories of trunk branches and leaves. The carbon and nitrogen contents in the different fractions were also analyzed. The results indicate a total biomass of mg ha 1 in the pine forest and mg ha 1 in the beech forest and litter fall was 5 791 kg ha 1 in the pine forest and 4 682 kg ha 1 in the beech forest. The percentage distribution of biomass weight of the trunk branches and leaves was similar in both forests and the carbon nitrogen C N ratio was greater in the pine forest fractions particularly in those more lignified. The higher biomass according to diameter classes in the beech forest seems to indicate that it would not be very suitable to reforest land that is apropriate for beech with pine. aboveground biomass forest ecosystems Fagus sylvatica I Pinus sylvestris I litter fall Resume - Biomasse forestiere d une hêtraie et d une pinède en Sierra de la Demanda au nord de 1 Espagne. On a estimé la biomasse forestiere dans une hêtraie Fagus sylvatica L et dans une pinède Pinus sylvestris L par coupe et pesée de sept arbres dans chaque peuplement selon la distribution des diamètres. Le poids des troncs branches et feuilles a été mesuré. Le contenu de carbone et d azote a été analyse dans les differents compartiments. Les résultats indiquent une biomasse totale de 152 1 Mg ha 1 dans la pinède et 134 2 Mg ha 1 dans la hêtraie et la chute de litière a été 5 791 kg ha 1 dans la pinède et 4 .