Tuyển tập các báo cáo nghiên cứu về lâm nghiệp được đăng trên tạp chí lâm nghiệp quốc tế, đề tài: "Patterns of arbuscular- and ecto- mycorrhizal colonization of Eucalyptus dunnii in southern Brazil. | 473 Ann Sei For 1997 54 473-481 Elsevier Inra Original article Patterns of arbuscular- and ecto- mycorrhizal colonization of Eucalyptus dunnii in southern Brazil VL Oliveira VDB Schmidt MM Bellei Dept de Microbiologia e Parasitologic Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina CP 476 88040-970 Florianopolis sc Brazil Received 4 January 1996 accepted 22 October 1996 Summary - After planting Eucalyptus dunnii virtually free of mycorrhizal colonization at six sites in southern Brazil three distinctive patterns of root colonization by arbuscular mycorrhizal AM and ectomycorrhizal ECM fungi were discerned during the ensuing 13 months which seemed to be very strongly related to previous cropping 1 pattern A followed the AM-forming soya bean the relatively large incidence of AM 5 months after planting progressively decreased while that of ECM increased 2 pattern B followed the AM ECM-forming Eucalyptus viminalis the incidence of AM remained minimal while that of ECM relatively rapidly reached a high plateau and 3 pattern c followed the ECM-forming Pinus taeda both AM and ECM progressively increased but were never abundant. Although the results do not fully explain the three patterns of colonization it is suggested that the inoculum potential and the specificity fungi-host are implicated. Eucalyptus ectomycorrhizas arbuscular mycorrhizas Preceding crop inoculum potential Resume - Sequences de colonisation endo- et ectomycorhizienne chez Eucalyptus dunnii au sud du Brésil. La colonisation ả Eucalyptus dunnii par des champignons endo-mycorhiziens à arbuscules MA et ectomycorhiziens ECM a été sui vie pendant 13 mois après transplantation dans six plantations à Santa Catarina au sud du Brésil. Les résultats indiquent que la colonisation MA et ECM est influencee par la plante précédemment cul-tivée dans le site et a été représentée par trois sequences differentes. Dans un site à soja un hôte endomycorhizien les MA ont été plus importantes au 5e mois mais elles ont pro- .