Tuyển tập các báo cáo nghiên cứu về lâm nghiệp được đăng trên tạp chí lâm nghiệp quốc tế đề tài:"Lipid utilization and carbohydrate partitioning during germination of English walnut (Juglans regia). | 373 Ann Sci For 1994 51 373-379 Elsevier INRA Original article Lipid utilization and carbohydrate partitioning during germination of English walnut Juglans regia D Chenevard JS Frossard A Lacointe INRA-Université Blaise-Pascal Unite Associée de Physiologic Intốgrée de I Arbre Fruitier Centre Clermont-Ferrand-Theix Domaine de Crouelle 63039 Clermont-Ferrand Cedex 02 France Received 22 March 1993 accepted 20 September 1993 Summary Conversion of reserve lipids in the seed and carbohydrate and dry matter partitioning during germination were studied in walnut Juglans regia L cv Franquette seedlings. Nuts showed a gradual decrease in lipid content with a concomitant rise in carbohydrates fig 2 starch appeared to be a transient sink for the end products of the degradation of lipid reserves. During germination tap root elongation was preferential over stem growth fig 3 . The tap root accounted for most of the seedling dry matter increase and carbohydrate accumulation mainly as starch table I . The other organs accumulated essentially soluble carbohydrates. At the end of the experiment only of the carbohydrates starch soluble carbohydrates from lipid conversion were recovered in the seedling and the nut. A similar discrepancy was found in the energy budget. The energy loss from the nut kJ and the total energy recovered in the seedling kJ differed markedly at the end of the experiment fig 4 this difference of 59 can be attributed to the metabolic lipid conversion respiration growth and maintenance and translocation table II . germination lipid utilization I carbohydrate energy I English walnut Juglans regia Resume utilisation des reserves lipidiques et repartition des glucides pendant la germination du noyer commun Juglans regia . La germination du noyer Juglans regia L cv Franquette a été étudiée au niveau de la degradation des Hpldes dans le cerneau ainsi que de la repartition des glu-cides et de la matière sèche dans la jeune plante. La teneur en .