Tuyển tập các báo cáo nghiên cứu về lâm nghiệp được đăng trên tạp chí lâm nghiệp quốc tế đề tài: " The role of marine salt and surfactants in the decline of Tyrrhenian coastal vegetation in Italy. | Ann Sci For 1995 52 251-261 Elsevier INRA 251 Original article The role of marine salt and surfactants in the decline of Tyrrhenian coastal vegetation in Italy F Bussotti1 p Grossoni1 F Pantani 2 1 Dept of Plant Biology Laboratory of Forest Botany University of Florence Plazzale delle Cascine 28 1-50144 Florence 2 Dept of Public Health Epidemiology and Environmental Analytical Chemistry Section of Analytical Chemistry University of Florence via G-Capponi 7 1-50100 Florence Italy Received 22 March 1994 accepted 6 September 1994 Summary The decline of coastal vegetation is a phenomenon affecting some areas of the Mediterranean region and Australia it is due to the presence of surfactants in marine aerosols a consequence of sea pollution by detergents. This paper gives some observations made at various sites along the Tyrrhenian coast in Italy. The authors show that the presence of surfactants in the environment correlates with the presence of sea salt and that the impact of surfactants on vegetation is local and occurs only in association with strong sea winds. The study of the synergistic effect of surfactants and sea salt on the crowns of trees exposed to aerosols suggests that the surfactant can cause direct damage while the absorption of sea salt is enhanced by the presence of the surfactant only when exposure to aerosol is prolonged or if it is administered in very high concentrations. Pinus pinea LI marine aerosol I surfactant I NaCI leaf absorption I crown damage Resume Le role du sei marin et des agents tensio-actifs dans le dépérissement de la vegetation côtière tyrrhénienne en Italie. Le dépérissement de la vegetation côtière est un phénomène qui concerne un certain nombre de zones de la Méditerranée et de I Australie II est dũ à la presence d agents tensio-actifs engendrés par la pollution hydrique de detergents dans les aerosols marins. Notre recherche fait le point de 10 années d observations d un certain nombre de localités italiennes du littoral .