Tuyển tập các báo cáo nghiên cứu về lâm nghiệp được đăng trên tạp chí lâm nghiệp quốc tế đề tài:"Natural black pine (Pinus nigra subsp salzmannii) forests of the Iberian eastern mountains: development of the phytoecological basis for their site evaluation. | Ann Sci For 1995 52 589-606 Elsevier INRA 589 Original article Natural black pine Pinus nigra subsp salzmannii forests of the Iberian eastern mountains development of the phytoecological basis for their site evaluation p Regato-Pajares 1 R Elena-Rosselló 2 1 Centro de Investigation Forestal INIA apartado 8111 Madrid 2 Departamento de Silvopascicultura Universidad Politecnica de Madrid 28040 Madrid Spain Received 2 January 1994 accepted 2 January 1995 Summary A phytoecological study of the Pinus nigra subsp salzmannii forests in the dolomitelimestone mountains of eastern Spain was undertaken starting from several floristic and ecological data collected from 355 relevés classification and ordination numerical analysis were realized. A typifica-tion of the different pine forest communities was thus obtained and a series of floristic groups was defined which can be used as a basis for the classification of distinct sites. Following the phytosoci-ological method 2 main groups which can be considered as climax vegetation of the high supra- and mountain-Mediterranean levels have been defined a continental group Thalictro tuberosi-Pinetum salz-mannii and a subcontinental group Lonicero xylostei-Pinetum salzmannii which represents the southern range limit of Pinus nigra forests in the eastern Pyrenees. Pinus nigra I numerical analysis phytosociology climax floristic group Resume Typologie phytoécologique des stations forestieres les forets naturelles de pin de Salzmann Pinus nigra subsp salzmannii des montagnes orientales ibériques. La présente étude concerne la caractérisation phytoécologique des forets de Pinus nigra subsp salzmannii des montagnes orientates de I Espagne. Des analyses numériques de classification et ordination ont été realises avec 355 retevés comprenant des données floristiques et écotegiques. La typologte des diffe-rents groupements silvatiques de Pinus salzmannii a permis d etablir plusieurs groupes floristiques susceptibles d etre utilises dans la .