Hãy thử như bạn có thể, bạn không thể thay đổi mối quan hệ trước / sau của đột quỵ và điền vào. Strokes là luôn luôn ở phía trước của điền vào cùng một con đường. Để có được điền để trang trải, chồng chéo với đột quỵ, bạn phải sao chép đường dẫn, sử dụng Paste in lệnh Mặt trận bằng cách chọn Edit ➪ Paste trong Mặt trận hoặc nhấn Ctrl + F (Ô + F), | Part II Putting Illustrator to Work Cross-Reference For more on creating and modifying text see Chapter 9. Using a stacking order for strokes and fills Try as you might you can t change the front back relationship of strokes and fills. Strokes are always in front of fills for the same path. To get the fill to cover or overlap the stroke you must copy the path use the Paste in Front command by choosing Edit C Paste in Front or pressing Ctrl F Ô F and then remove the stroke from the path that you pasted. Cross-Reference For more on strokes and fills see Chapter 10. Pasting objects in front of and behind selected objects Choosing Edit C Paste in Front or pressing Ctrl F Ô F pastes any objects you have on the Clipboard in front of any selected objects or at the top of the current layer if no objects are selected. Choosing Edit C Paste in Back or pressing Ctrl B Ô B pastes any objects on the Clipboard behind any selected objects or at the bottom of the current layer if no objects are selected. When you paste an object in front or behind you re also pasting the attributes of that object such as the stroke and fill . In addition both Paste in Front and Paste in Back paste objects in the same location as the copied object even from document to document. If the documents are different sizes Illustrator pastes them in the same location relative to the center of each document. If the Clipboard is empty or if type selected with a Type tool is on the Clipboard these options aren t available. Note Copied items in Illustrator retain their layer names and related layer information. When you copy an item that s on layer X-Flies and paste that item in another document that contains an X-Flies layer the item appears on the X-Flies layer. If the document doesn t contain that layer Illustrator creates a new layer with that name and then the item appears on that layer. This works only if you select the Paste Remembers Layers option item from the Layers panel s popup menu. Creating and .