Nếu bạn nghĩ rằng bạn sẽ có một vấn đề tạo ra một bản vá phù hợp với chính xác hơn các vấn đề khu vực, xác định các vấn đề khu vực như một lựa chọn đầu tiên với nút nguồn được đánh dấu. Nếu bạn muốn chọn khu vực được sử dụng như một miếng vá đầu tiên và không kén chọn khu vực bạn đang vá, đánh dấu vào nút Điểm đến và xác định khu vực vá lỗi thay thế. | Chapter 5 Compositing in Photoshop CS 175 Figure Crouching kitten hidden background. Extracting the Kitten Photoshop includes several tools specifically designed to help you isolate parts of images from their backgrounds. These include the Background Eraser and the Extract command. The Background Eraser is the simpler of the two It s nothing more than an eraser with a circular cursor similar to that used by the Magnetic Lasso discussed earlier in this chapter. Set a Tolerance level in the Option bar choose a size for the eraser and use the Background Eraser to remove pixels that don t closely match the pixels in your main subject. This tool is useful for objects that have a fairly hard edge and a distinct background and in such situations offers little advantage over selection tools such as the Magic Wand. The Extract command moved from the Image menu to the Filter menu in Photoshop 7 and later versions provides much more sophisticated removal of surrounding areas. You can carefully paint a mask around the edges of your object adjust the borders and preview your result before extracting the object. Extract works very well with wispy or hairy objects. Follow these steps. 1. The Extract command works best with images that are sharp so the first thing to do is sharpen the kitten image using Filter Sharpen Unsharp Mask. Use a setting of 100 percent or more to make every hair on the kitten s body stand out. 176 Adobe Photoshop CS2 Photographers Guide 2. Activate the Extract command by choosing Filter Extract or by pressing Alt Option Ctrl Command X. The dialog box shown in Figure will appear. Figure The Extract command lets you remove objects from their backgrounds. 3. Zoom in on the portion of the image you want to extract. In this case focus on the upper edge of the kitten. Zooming within the Extract dialog box is done in exactly the same way as within Photoshop. Use the Zoom tool available from the dialog box s Tool Palette at the left edge or simply .