Nhấp vào biểu tượng nhãn cầu để ẩn các đối tượng TopGraphic. Đồ họa được ẩn trong các bản vẽ, nhưng tên của đối tượng vẫn còn xuất hiện bóng tối trong bảng Layers (không phải mờ đi). Điều này có nghĩa là đối tượng vẫn còn tồn tại trong trạng thái hiện tại, nhưng bây giờ nó không thấy được. | 2 Click the eyeball icon to hide the TopGraphic object. The graphic is hidden in the artboard but the object s name still appears dark in the Layers panel it s not dimmed . This means the object is still present in the current state but now it s hidden from view. 3 Show the TopGraphic object again so the gray rectangle is visible at the top of the artboard. 4 Add a new layer in the Layers panel and name it page6 Gardens. 5 Drag the page6 Gardens layer so that it is positioned directly above the page5 Future layer. â Video Toggle s EH page6 Gardens s r l page5future 6 If it s not already selected select the page6 Gardens layer to make it the target layer light blue for new content. 7 Choose File Import Adobe Photoshop File .psd . Browse to the Lesson05 folder select and click Open. Click OK to accept the default import options. Layered artwork from the Photoshop design document is added to the application. ADOBE FLASH CATALYST CS5 CLASSROOM IN A BOOK 83 From the Library of Joseph Bradley 8 Expand the page6 Gardens layer. The new artwork is placed inside the target layer and is visible in the current page state. 9 Select any of the other five pages in the Pages States panel. The artwork you just added appears dimmed in the Layers panel for the other five pages. This artwork is only present in the new page state. Delete objects from specific states Tip If you want the object to fade in or out as you transition between states then leave the object present in both states and hide it or change its Opacity to 0 instead of deleting it. Depending on how you delete an object it can be removed from the current state from a specific state that you select or from the entire application. 1 In the Pages States panel select Gardens. 2 Select only the TopGraphic object in the artboard. You can do this by clicking the graphic in the artboard or by clicking the TopGraphic layer in the Layers panel. 3 Press the Delete key. The TopGraphic object appears dimmed in the Layers