3 Các đối tượng TopGraphic một lần nữa để hình chữ nhật màu xám là có thể nhìn thấy ở đầu bản vẽ. 4 Thêm một layer mới trong bảng Layers và đặt tên là page6: Gardens. 5 Kéo page6: Gardens lớp để nó được đặt trực tiếp trên các page5: lớp trong tương lai. Nếu nó chưa được chọn, chọn page6: Gardens lớp để làm cho nó thành layer đối tượng (ánh sáng màu xanh) cho nội dung mới. | The text should still extend below the artboard. In the next exercise you will create a scrolling panel to display the text. 13 In the Layers panel drag the new Text object into the Panel Artwork group and place it just above the Vertical Scrollbar. Use the right text for the job There are three types of text that you can add in Flash Catalyst. Point Text does not line wrap. The text box extends to fit all of the text. You can press Enter Return to insert a line break. Area Text occupies a bounding box with fixed width and height. The text never grows any larger than the width and height you specify. Text automatically line wraps but you can also enter manual line breaks. If the text does not fit within the box the remainder is hidden. An overflow icon appears at the bottom of the bounding box. Clicking the overflow icon changes the text to Fit Height. The bounding box height adjusts automatically. Fit Height text occupies a box with fixed width but variable height. The text stays within the width of the bounding box. Text automatically wraps. You can also insert manual line breaks. The height of the box grows automatically if needed to fit all the text. Clicking the Text tool in the artboard places the insertion point and creates Point Text. Dragging the Text tool in the artboard creates Area Text. There are two ways to resize the text bounding box. Double-clicking inside the box reveals four selection handles. Drag the handles to resize the box. Or use the Select or Direct Select tools to select the text bounding box. Selecting the box reveals eight selection handles. Drag the handles to resize the bounding box. Resizing Fit Height text converts it to Area Text. To change a text object from one type to another use the Select or Direct Select tool to select the bounding box. In the Properties panel choose Point Text Area Text or Fit Height. ADOBE FLASH CATALYST CS5 CLASSROOM IN A BOOK 111 From the Library of Joseph Bradley Create a scroll panel from artwork A .