Kiểu tùy chọn bao gồm các đường cong Bezier, điểm NURBS, và NURBS CV. Bạn cũng có thể lựa chọn để tạo ra những người trợ giúp và để hiển thị các tùy chọn khác nhau. Một cách khác để sử dụng người giải quyết IK là với một cấu trúc xương hiện có. Để làm điều này, bạn cần một đường cong spline trong cảnh phù hợp với cách bạn muốn các chuỗi xương để xem xét. | Part XI Advanced Lighting and Rendering FIGURE Placing the Glare map in the Output Camera Shader you can get a strong glare from the light in the window. Using mental ray proxies Complex scene can have hundreds of objects and when rendered in mental ray single frames can take several hours to render. This can make it tough to get previews to test lighting and atmospheric effects. If you know that the objects look fine then you can use the mental ray proxy object to replace multiple objects or a single high-resolution object with a proxy NeW FEAOURE The mental ray Proxy feature is new to 3ds Max 2009. To use a mental ray proxy object add a mr proxy object to the scene using the Create o mental ray o mr Proxy menu command. Select the Modify panel and click on the Source Object button then select the object that you want to replace with the proxy. I I m t- r You can only select the source object in the Modify panel. J J J JX When the source object is selected you can save the object to a file. Source objects are saved as .mib files. The object is then displayed within the scene as a point cloud or as a bounding box and a preview of the source object is displayed in the Parameters rollout. You also can change the number of vertices that are displayed in the viewports. When the scene is rendered the source object file is read in and used for the render. 1116 Raytracing and mental ray 46 Summary If you re looking for a rendering option that perfectly calculates reflections refractions and transparencies then raytracing is what you need. Raytracing settings can be set globally and applied to selected materials using materials and maps. And when raytracing needs an additional push the mental ray renderer can be selected to render the scene. In this chapter you accomplished the following Learned about the global raytracing settings Explored the raytrace material Worked with raytraced maps Learned to enable the mental ray renderer Created mental ray lights Worked with