Bây giờ, khi may mắn sẽ có nó nếu bạn đang lo lắng về việc in, trong số các chức năng bảo vệ bởi RIM là những Sau khi bạn nhấp vào nút Check Now, Firefox sẽ kiểm tra để cập nhật và trình bày một danh sách nếu có được tìm thấy, như thể hiện trong hình 6-15. | 66 Part I Basic Hacking Figure 4-7 Main window with small icons and toolbar text enabled Figure 4-8 Main window with toolbar-spacing hack applied Chapter 4 Hacking Themes and Icons 67 To achieve the tightest fit you can override the padding margin and minimum width for the toolbar buttons by setting most to zero and tweaking some of the padding. To do this you have to change the properties for all toolbar button types and any associated actions such as hover and toolbar mode text .toolbarbutton-text line handles spacing when in text-only mode. Hacking Themes This section dives into what you will need to know to accomplish the following Enable dynamic theme switching Install older unsupported themes Install extensions locally Extend some popular extensions Clean up web icons or favicons Reenabling Dynamic Theme Switching One nice feature that was disabled during one of the late builds was the ability to dynamically switch the browser s theme without restarting. The decision to disable this by default was made to allow more time to resolve some chrome refresh switching issues. Fortunately there is a hidden preference to reenable this feature if you dare. Why such an ominous tone Well historically dynamic theme switching support has been very spotty in the final Firefox release it was disabled as a default and will be revisited for a future release. Depending on the theme installed customizations and other considerations enabling this feature may cause temporary toolbar menu or page misalignments all of which are quickly resolved by closing and relaunching Firefox. Because it is a hidden preference my approach is to add the modified preference to the file to make it easier to manage any additional hacks that I want. This approach also helps with remembering hacks long after you have applied them. The file is in your profile directory. Add the following code to the file. Once you have saved the entry you .