Hỗ trợ trực tiếp cho việc ảo hóa máy chủ, trong hình thức của Hyper-V hypervisor, là một trong những cải tiến quan trọng nhất và được mong đợi trong Windows Server 2008. Với việc phát hành của Windows Server 2008 R2, Microsoft mở rộng ảo hóa Hyper-V bao gồm hỗ trợ cho việc ảo hóa máy tính để bàn khách hàng, và cho biết thêm khả năng quan trọng mới cho phân bổ ổ đĩa động | Networking and access Better Together with Windows 7 We take a look at each of these areas throughout this book but let s start with a quick high-level look at what has changed in each area. Virtualization Direct support for server virtualization in the form of the Hyper-V hypervisor was one of the most important and highly anticipated improvements in Windows Server 2008. With the release of Windows Server 2008 R2 Microsoft extends Hyper-V virtualization to include support for client desktop virtualization and adds important new capabilities for dynamic disk allocation live migration and improved scalability and redundancy. We cover the improvements in Hyper-V server virtualization capabilities in Chapter 3 Hyper-V Scaling and Migrating Virtual Machines. Virtualization however isn t limited to machine virtualization but also includes presentation virtualization RDS application virtualization App-V and client desktop virtualization VDI . Windows Server 2008 R2 adds improvements in RDS that provide a more seamless integration with Windows 7 clients including full support for Windows Aero and multiple monitors. Application virtualization support in R2 is improved and the addition of the Remote Desktop Virtualization Host RD Virtualization Host role service enables full desktop virtualization. We cover VDI and RDS in greater detail in Chapter 4. Management There are substantial improvements in the way Windows Server 2008 R2 can be managed both graphically and from the command line. A new version of Windows PowerShell provides enhanced remote capabilities and is now available as an installation option for Windows Server Core. Graphical management is also improved with Server Manager now fully supported remotely and many of the management consoles are better integrated into Server Manager enabling remote management. The improvements in Windows PowerShell are covered throughout the book and we cover the specifics of setting up remote Server Manager installing Windows .