Cho MySQL lệnh cho khách hàng của MySQL máy chủ Web / máy chủ sắp xếp làm cho nó phù hợp với các ứng dụng web. Với máy chủ MySQL chạy trên một máy chủ Web, bạn có thể sử dụng MySQL | 10. Type mysqldump -u root -p us_presidents . backups then press ENTER. Here s an explanation of this command string mysqldump mysqldump -u root -p us_presidents . backups The mysqldump command does exactly what it says - it connects to the MySQL server selects a database then dumps all the information from it into a text file. -u root -p mysqldump -u root -p us_presidents . backups The -u command tells mysqldump to use the MySQL root user account to connect to the MySQL server. The -p command tells MySQL to prompt the user for a password. ADMINISTERING DATABASES 53 us_presidents mysqldump -u root -p us_presidents . backups us_presidents is the name of the database you want to back up. mysqldump -u root -p us_presidents . backups The character is called a pipe and is a Linux command. Pipe is an apt name for what does it pipes or places the information provided by mysqldump into a file. . backups mysqldump -u root -p us_presidents . backups . backups is the directory path to . Tip The period in front of the slash . represents the current directory you are working in. mysqldump -u root -p us_presidents . backups is the name of the file you re piping the backup to. 54 ADMINISTERING DATABASES 11. At the password prompt type textbook then press ENTER. The file has now been created in the backups directory. 12. Type more . backups then press ENTER. This shows you the contents of yourusemame@localhost home yourusemame - Shell - Konsole Ena Session Edit view Bookmarks Settings Help yOUrusername 1 oca 1hOSt yourusername more . ZbaOkups us_preside nt s. sql --- MySQL dump Host localhost Database us_presidents Server version 4. Table structure for table name CREATE TABLE name id int ll NOT NULL auto_increment first char 25 default NULL .