Mỗi bố trí còn lại có một mục đích cụ thể, và mỗi đòi hỏi một tập hợp các điều kiện lớp khác nhau. Bạn sẽ sử dụng các công cụ tương tự trong khung nhìn khác, như bạn đã làm cho khung nhìn trong FPlan Cabin và F Elev tab: 1. Nhấp vào tab Cabin FPlan mờ. Điều này trông giống như tab trước đó trước khi bạn thực hiện điều chỉnh nội dung mà nó hiển thị. | 5 6 0 Chapter 14 Using Layouts to Set Up a Print Adjusting the Other Viewports Contents Each of the remaining layouts has a specific purpose and each requires a different set of layer conditions. You will use the same tools in the other viewports as you did for the viewport in the Cabin FPlan and F Elev tab 1. Click the Cabin FPlan Dims tab. This looks like the preceding tab before you made adjustments to the content that it displayed. 2. Double-click in the larger viewport and then click the Layer Freeze button. 3. Click a grid bubble and a grid line to freeze these components layers in the viewport. Click the patio the roofline of the left elevation an area polyline one of the hatch patterns and each one of the components of the front elevation. 4. Press Esc and then double-click outside the viewport. Select the larger viewport border and then click one of the lower grips that appear at the corners. Move one lower grip of the viewport upward and the other lower grip moves as well to maintain the constant shape of the viewport. 5. Press Esc to deselect the larger viewport and then select and move the smaller VP until it is centered below the larger. 6. Double-click inside the smaller viewport and then zoom and pan until the door schedule fits the viewport nicely. If you don t see the schedule open the Layer Properties Manager and make sure the VP Freeze column shows the layer as thawed in the viewport. If you like you can adjust the viewport s grips to make it larger. 7. Switch back to paper space and then change Sheet No. to read 2 of 5. When you are done the layout should look like Figure . 8. Click the Cabin LElev RElev tab and then delete the smaller viewport. 9. Adjust the size of the larger viewport so that it takes up the upper half of the title block border. Copy it downward so that you have two identical viewports stacked one on top of the other see Figure . Adjusting a Viewport s Contents 5 6 1 FIGURE The Cabin FPlan Dims layout after .