Tuyển tập các báo cáo nghiên cứu về lâm nghiệp được đăng trên tạp chí lâm nghiệp quốc tế đề tài: "Branchiness of Norway spruce in north-eastern France: modelling vertical trends in maximum nodal branch size. | 679 Ann Sci For 1991 48 679-693 Elsevier INRA Original article Branchiness of Norway spruce in north-eastern France modelling vertical trends in maximum nodal branch size F Colin 1 F Houllier2 1INRA Centre de Recherches Forestidres de Nancy station de Recherches sur la Qualité des Bois 54280 Champenoux 2 ENGREF Laboratoire ENGREF INRA de Recherches en Sciences Forestidres Unité Dynamique des Systdmes Forestiers 14 rue Girardet 54042 Nancy Cedex France Received 13 March 1991 accepted 12 September 1991 Summary This paper is part of a study which aims at proposing a new method for assessing the wood quality of Norway spruce from northeastern France. One component of this method is a wood quality simulation software that requires detailed inputs describing tree branchiness and morphology. The specific purpose of this paper Is to present a model that predicts maximum limbsize at various points along the stem. The dependent variable of the model Is the maximum diameter per annual growth unit. The independent variables are the relative distance from the growth unit to the top of the stem and some combinations of standard whole-tree measurements and general crown descriptors. The equation Is a segmented polynomial with a join point at the height of the largest branch diameter for each tree. First individual models are fitted to each sample tree. Then a general equation is derived by exploring the behaviour of the individual tree parameters of the polynomial model as functions of other individual tree attributes. Finally the model Is validated on an Independent data set and is discussed with respect to biological and methodological aspects and to possible applications. branchiness crown ratio I modelling wood resource I wood quality I Picea abies Résumé Branchaison de répicéa commun dans le Nord-Est de la France modéllsatlon du dlamètre maximal des branches verticillaires le long de la tlge. Cet article s insdre dans un projet qui vise à proposer une méthode devaluation de