Tuyển tập các báo cáo nghiên cứu về lâm nghiệp được đăng trên tạp chí lâm nghiệp quốc tế đề tài: "Changes in dry weight and nitrogen partitioning induced by elevated CO depend on soil nutrient 2 availability in sweet chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill). | AnnSci For 1992 49 83-90 Elsevier INRA 83 Original article Changes in dry weight and nitrogen partitioning induced by elevated CƠ2 depend on soil nutrient availability in sweet chestnut Castanea sativa Mill A El Kohen 1 H Rouhier 2 M Mousseau 1 CNRS URA 121 Laboratoire ựÉcologieVégétale Bailment 362 Université Paris-Sud 91405 Orsay Cedex 2 CEFE-CNRS route de Mende BP 5051 34033 Montpellier Cedex France Received 28 August 1991 accepted 4 November 1991 Summary The effect of 2 levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide ambient ie 350 ppm and double ie 700 ppm and 2 contrasting levels of mineral nutrition on dry weight nitrogen accumulation and partitioning were examined in 2-year-old Chesnut seedlings Castanea sativa Mill grown in pots outdoors throughout the vegetative season. Fertilization had a pronounced effet on dry weight accumulation tree height leaf area and plant nitrogen content. Carbon dioxide enrichment significantly increased total biomass by about 20 both on fertilized and on unfertilized forest soil. However the partitioning of biomass was very different on the unfertilized soil only the root biomass was increased leading to an increase in the root shoot ratio. Contrastingly on fertilized soil only stem biomass and diameter but not height were increased. Carbon dioxide enrichment significantly reduced the nitrogen concentration in all organs irrespective of the nutrient availability. However the biomass increase made up for this reduction in such a way that the total nitrogen pool per tree remained unchanged. elevated CO21 dry weight partitioning I nitrogen partitioning Castanea satlva Mill Résumé Les effets d un enrichissement en co2 sur la répartltion de la matière sèche et de I azote chez le châtaignier Castanea sativa Mill dépendent de la tertillté du sol. On a étudié I effet d un doublement de la concentration en co2 de 1 atmosphère soit 350 vpm teneur actuelle et 700 vpm sur la répartition de la biomasse et du contenu en azote Chez de jeunes plants de .