Tuyển tập các báo cáo nghiên cứu về lâm nghiệp được đăng trên tạp chí lâm nghiệp quốc tế đề tài:"The incidence of recurrent flushing and its effect on branch production in Quercus petraea (Matt) Liebl growing in southern England. | 589 Ann Sci For 1992 49 589-597 Elsevier INRA Original article The incidence of recurrent flushing and its effect on branch production in Quercus petraea Matt Liebl growing in southern England R Harmer Forestry Commission Alice Holt Research station Wrecclesham Farnham Surrey GU10 4LH UK Received 27 April 1992 accepted 22 July 1992 Summary The incidence of recurrent flushing on leading shoots and major branches of Quercus petraea growing in southern England was examined over an 8-year growth period. Three types of shoot section were defined SPRING - initial flushes produced in spring that did not form a 2nd flush FIRST - initial flushes produced in spring that formed a 2nd flush SECOND - those formed by recurrent flushing. The proportion of shoots forming a SECOND flush varied from 4-100 the leaders flushing more frequently than branches. There were differences between trees in the tendency to recurrent flushing in general one SECOND flush was produced for every flushes initially produced. The SECOND flush was always longest. The number of branches produced by each type of flush varied but this was related in part to differences in shoot length. The effect of recurrent flushing on branching and stem form is discussed. Ouercus petraea I recurrent flushing branching Resume Frequence d apparition d une croissance polycyclique et son effet sur la production des branches du Quercus petraea Matt Liebl dans le Sud de I Angleterre. La frequence d apparition d une croissance polycyclique sur les pousses apicales et les branches principales du Quercus petraea dans les conditions du Sud de I Angleterre a été examinee sur une periods corres-pondant à 8 années de vegetation. Trois types de pousses ont été definies PRINTEMPS - premieres pousses produites au printemps ne donnant pas de 2 pousse PREMIERES - premieres pousses produites au printemps formant ensuite une 2F pousse DEUXIÈMẸ - pousses formees par croissance polycyclique. Le pourcentage de pousses donnant une .