Tuyển tập các báo cáo nghiên cứu về lâm nghiệp được đăng trên tạp chí lâm nghiệp quốc tế đề tài: "Growth response of holm oak (Quercus ilex L) to commercial thinning in the Montseny mountains. | Ann Sci For 1993 50 247-256 247 Elsevier INRA Original article Growth response of holm oak Quercus ilex L to commercial thinning in the Montseny mountains NE Spain X Mayor F Rodà Centre de Recerca Ecològica i Aplicaciones Forestals CREAF Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona 08193 Bellaterra Spain Received 17 August 1992 accepted 6 January 1993 Summary Growth responses of holm oak Quercus ilex to commercial thinning were studied in the Montseny Biosphere Reserve northeast Spain where selection thinning for firewood production is currently the dominant form of management in holm oak forests. Thinning significantly increased mean stem diameter increment by 83 over that of unthinned plots during the 6-9-yr period after thinning and by 48 from 9-12 yr after thinning. Absolute diameter increment was positively correlated with initial diameter at m from the ground dbh both in thinned and unthinned plots. Thinning increased growth in large trees more than in smaller trees. Relative diameter growth was negatively correlated with initial dbh. It is concluded that individual holm oak stems in previously coppiced stands respond vigourously to thinning and still do so 6-9 yr after thinning. The growth response diminishes 9-12 yr after thinning due to canopy closure. However absolute rates of stand growth as well as basal area and stem biomass increments were unaffected by thinning during these time intervals an example of density compensation. canopy closure Quercus ilex holm oak selection thinning stand growth tree growth Resume Effet d une éclaircie commerciale sur la croissance d un chêne vert Quercus ilex L dans les montagnes du Montseny NE de I Espagne . L effet d une éclaircie commerciale sur la croissance du chêne vert Quercus ilex a été étudié dans la reserve de la Biosphere du Montse-ny NE Espagne . Dans cette region I eclaircie selective pour la production du bois de chauffage est la forme la plus commune de gestion des forets. L eclaircie a augmenté I accroissement